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12/06/19 12:32 PM

#59078 RE: stockhome #59071

You have a look at Cam battley Twitter page you'll see why people are pissed off calling him everything in the book... Cam has lost his credibility with iinvestors his slick talking and broken promises investors are pissed off.. I've been long Aurora for a few years but many people have lost a lot of money hundreds of thousands and Cam battley misleading bulshit is partially the reason why... Not only that but the man cashed in almost a million Canadian by selling that much Aurora shares and blamed it on house fire.. The man has homeowner insurance not to mention do you know how many people go through a house fire and don't have a million Canadian shares to dump on the market douchebag... I use to really respect Cam but after everything that's happened and what he done when he dumped a million shares no respect no longer.. Cam is a excellent public speaker I can say that and he sold himself very well.. But his credibility is gone and I don't know if he can get it back... I still like Aurora as a company and has great potential for the future and many positive things to come.. Far as Partnerships news of us hemp Market entry and other things to come.. But I think management definitely needs work...