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11/26/19 8:34 PM

#4531413 RE: Woody73z #4531411

Smart! Good on you. Well they had quite the marketing from the incomplete rm for their loan brokering. Lots of exposure for the company... worth it in that regard. Screwing over many in the process not paying their bills ect and investors are stuck but... that’s otc for ya

Dragon Lady

11/26/19 10:59 PM

#4531419 RE: Woody73z #4531411

$GIFX: Conglomerate, Growth, Expansion, Assets !

It's TOTAL BULLSHIT to claim "GIFX has not paid their auditor in over a year". Complete nonsense.

The firm being referred to- IS NOT THEIR AUDITOR and HAS NOT BEEN THEIR AUDITOR FOR OVER A YEAR and thus is not getting paid LOL !

Helps to know WHO THE CURRENT GIFA INC AUDIT FIRM IS (due diligence, as in FACTS !), before making false claims they are "not getting paid", LOL!

GIFX has an audit firm with as fine a pedigree as will be found anywhere on Wall Street OR in the UK. UK. UK.

Recent oil/gas and petrol distribution contracts finally signed- the last step prior to them SEC filing per the CEO's comments.

Potentially the OTC reverse merger of the past several years, only awaiting a final set of SEC filings now.

$GIFX with the share structure of a NASDAQ company and a micro float of only 47 million shares that causes it to move up 25% or more on micro buys of $500 to $1K dollars. It moves like greased lightening.

What is GIFX now?

Gifa Inc a rapidly growing, truly international conglomerate involved in international finance/loan brokering, operation of their own FOREX trading desk division, a travel/tourism business unit which is huge on their Cyprus island location- and includes a fully staffed call center for additional services, a direct lending division now called Grandex Finance for factoring business loans and payday style individual loans, a full color in-print daily newspaper division to promote their own travel and tourism divisions and plans for a casino/hotel, and a raw chemicals and pharmaceutical manufacturing unit and more:

The company owns many "hard assets" including a newly built $12 million euro, 4-story, world class headquarters building in addition to a newly purchased raw chemicals and pharma manufacturing plant- among many other assets:

Their main world headquarters - a 4 story, newly built state of the art building and facility:

Oil/gas and gasoline distribution buy-out contracts finally signed after 6 plus months of negotiations- the delay to reverse merger completion:

The Gifa Forex Trading business unit:

Gifa Consulting their main loan brokerage/consultancy business unit:

Gifa travel and tourism business unit:

Gifa Grandex Finance their direct lending business unit:

$GIFX and Gifa, as real as it gets. Hard assets, growth, business units, employees, lots of employees.

The polar opposite of 90% of what one will find on the OTC.

Real estate holdings alone make this a $BUCK A SHARE the day they SEC FILE, just to start- and we've seen those holdings, boots on the ground due diligence, hard proof :))))