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09/26/19 4:02 PM

#83918 RE: Craig305 #83917

Supreme Court ruled a few years ago in Citizens United, that companies are people, and thus citizens, with the same rights and privileges as people.

People are required to file a form 3 when they reach 10% ownership and file form 4 when they accumulate or distribute, sell shares.

Making ICLD as a person under Citizen's United in violation of SEC regulations if they do not report the holdings changes?


09/26/19 10:54 PM

#83919 RE: Craig305 #83917

Timing is everything.

Convertible debt removed 3 business days before the end of the 3rd quarter.

Starting the fourth quarter ICLD (Sands and company) will own 68% of the common shares company.

Ponder states merger to occur in 4th quarter.

Expect merger and media blitz to occur the week of November 13TH.