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08/23/19 3:08 AM

#11547 RE: ThomasHBS-HLS #11546

Thanks for the update I plan on holding for 3 years. Maybe $100 plus by then?
$25-30 end of 2019 would be awesome.
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08/23/19 4:45 AM

#11548 RE: ThomasHBS-HLS #11546


Thank you for your posts and I agree with everything you say am with regards to the fundamentals. I’ve been saying it for a long time that people will only grisly understand what they have stumbled across when senior analysts really look at the IP and then all hell will break loose. I personally believe that PRED will be in the top 3 life sciences groups in the world and will be valued accordingly.

Re the shorts and attack pieces by Hindenburg etc. I’ve taken a decision to not talk about them or give them the air they need. They will be dealt with accordingly as you know and nothing said here will help on that front.

You have a close relationship to the company, educating people as in your last post in the way forward. It’s only timing as to when this becomes known world wide. Until then it’s a waiting game but it will happen.

Thank you for your insights
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08/23/19 7:07 AM

#11551 RE: ThomasHBS-HLS #11546

Much thanks for your due diligence,updates, and opinions on PRED I would take $12 by the end of the year and $35-$40 dollars in the future.

I assume you meant October when discussing ASRM

I usually review all posts after a day at work and personally look forward to the end of inaccurate nonsense from shorts and ihub posters with an obvious agenda.

I want to thank the shorts for enabling me to average down and bring my average pps down to 2.78 with over 67,000 shares.

If I attend the conference in Philly I will bring back photos and research to the board.


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08/23/19 7:52 AM

#11557 RE: ThomasHBS-HLS #11546

Thanks Thomas Much Appreciated

Hoping for Better Days Ahead

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08/23/19 8:35 AM

#11563 RE: ThomasHBS-HLS #11546

Appreciate all the info you provide...thanks
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08/23/19 8:39 AM

#11564 RE: ThomasHBS-HLS #11546


Are you a member of Harvard Club of Western PA. ???

Just curious.

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08/23/19 8:44 AM

#11565 RE: ThomasHBS-HLS #11546

Thanks for the info Thomas! Also, after doing more research, it does appear that I was on the right track.

It looks like this guy is part of the short and distort scheme.

Evidence for the fact can be found on Twitter and here on iHub.

Thanks again!
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NO birds Allowed

08/23/19 9:23 AM

#11573 RE: ThomasHBS-HLS #11546

so let us see, if that is the case. and not mere noise. I hope so
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08/23/19 1:28 PM

#11634 RE: ThomasHBS-HLS #11546

Related - WSGR Event Preventative Medicine for Biotech Companies: Lessons from Life Sciences Securities Litigation

Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati / WSGR
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
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08/28/19 10:56 AM

#12037 RE: ThomasHBS-HLS #11546


I think your posts are well written. I am long on PRED as some people on board personally know me; however, you post these excellent post and the company sits silent. They have made no comment since the Hidenberg bashing. You throw out numbers and indicate public news statements will be forthcoming but that is never the case. Meanwhile the stock dribbles down without any big buyers coming in.

Last week you posted picture of Robinson at NASDAQ. I do not care if he was there. I keep hearing next week, next week for NASDAQ. Well what date is he ringing the bell? When are earnings coming out? The earnings will tell the story.
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09/27/19 10:44 AM

#15135 RE: ThomasHBS-HLS #11546

PRED $25 - $30 pps by year end 2019?

Still a realistic possibility, or might it take a little longer to get there?

It sure seems like a possibility to me if Monday’s ER, upcoming PRs, ASRM Oct conference, and ARTguide launch play out the way they could.

Still holding to that prediction, Thomas?

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10/02/19 4:40 PM

#15524 RE: ThomasHBS-HLS #11546

Lol Thomas .You have really high expectations I hope your right should I set a partial sell order for 24 bucks .Thats really optimistic.I expect it to go up immensely and I don't know about your figures but wow. Did you have a mathematical calculation that brought you to that figure? If your predictions are accutate I will bow down to you and ask you to be my sifu.teacher father in cantonese in
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10/02/19 4:53 PM

#15527 RE: ThomasHBS-HLS #11546

Tom who is that famous person. Hininburg is already discredited .in your opinion why is the volume so low now? Has hindemgs assault caused this even though this was months ago? Why the low volume with a good report? Do you happen to know of any legal proceeding s coming about due to hindies BS report?
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10/06/19 7:51 PM

#15701 RE: ThomasHBS-HLS #11546

Good evening Thomas,

On 8/23/19, you posted a very enlightening and encouraging message on the message board stating your firm’s thoughts as to what the price of PRED’s shares might be at the end of 2019. At the very end of your post, you wrote the following:

“I spoke with someone very famous yesterday and today, they are shareholders in PRED and are making a public statement, as soon as tomorrow that will discredit Hindenburg and the SHORTs on this and other blogs.”

I have searched each of your subsequent postings, and unless I am overlooking it, I cannot find any subsequent information related to who that “famous person” might be or what they might have publicly stated about PRED. Is that person still a strong advocate of PRED, and if so, are you able to share with us that person’s name? Thanks in advance.
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10/09/19 11:51 PM

#16004 RE: ThomasHBS-HLS #11546

Like I keep saying, there is a treasure trove of information within posts from Thomas. This one is from back in August, but now we have more context regarding some of what he wrote.

Thomas: "Why would other therapeutic technologies come to PRED? Simple because their law firm is WSGR, the world's leading life science law firm which I have posted comments about on this blog. WSGR is also one of the greatest match-markers in the history of any law firm."

Translation - Because PRED has such a world class law firm in WSGR, other companies like Thermo Fisher and Deloitte will be much more likely to be willing to pause and take a real look at what PRED brings to the table, and consider partnerships. Connecting the dots, it's safe to assume WSGR played a major role in connecting PRED with both TMO and Deloitte. It pays to have big dogs as friends, and gives us credibility.

I have no doubt having WSGR also helped PRED land the all-star management and Directors they pulled from major roles in other successful companies.

And now that Thermo Fisher and Deloitte have vetted PRED and its managers, and signed on, other big companies will be that much more likely to have faith this OTC company is going serious places.

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10/15/19 7:04 PM

#16461 RE: ThomasHBS-HLS #11546

Thanks Brad for your Leadership in bringing Predictive to China !!!

Who the Heck is Citic Bank and CLSA - see below ..............

Its gonna be cool to see how this all develops


CITIC Group Corporation Ltd., formerly the China International Trust Investment Corporation, is a state-owned investment company of the People's Republic of China, established by Rong Yiren in 1979 with the approval of Deng Xiaoping.[2] Its headquarters are in Chaoyang District, Beijing.[3] As of 2019,

it is China's biggest state-run conglomerate with one of the largest pools of foreign assets in the world

[Ranked #41 on Worlds Largest Bank List]

= It's China's biggest state-run conglomerate with one of the largest pools of foreign assets in the WORLD !!


CITIC Investment Bank Division = "CLSA" or Credit Lyonnais Securities Asia

CITIC / China's largest investment bank acquired CLSA for US$ 1.3 billion.
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10/17/19 4:24 PM

#16690 RE: ThomasHBS-HLS #11546

everyone see Hindenberg Research was Highlighted on CNBC -
Never Seen that before wonder if CNBC is on on the Short Action

Alert to Short Smile Direct / SDC

Amazing they continue to flourish hurting Valuations of Public Companies like PRED

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10/25/19 4:04 PM

#17620 RE: ThomasHBS-HLS #11546

Yup I predictedbthis sort or I said nasdaq bit justbas goos for now .my psychic abilities are still intact. Shit I shouldn't have somewhat 10k shares at 167 bit the was my playing money to keep my losses at a minimum I accumlulated forty k for long term hold. The ten thousand was just for swing trading. I feel pretty good.
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10/30/19 3:26 PM

#18042 RE: ThomasHBS-HLS #11546

2 months to go Thomas. We'll see how it goes but I guess it will be tough to get there...
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11/04/19 1:18 PM

#18287 RE: ThomasHBS-HLS #11546

This is just a nother short attack on news thats not very important. Watch how it goes up and those guys cash out again.