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technicolor turncoat

08/22/19 3:29 PM

#245933 RE: C to the E #245927

We will rebound as always. I get the same questions/pressure from my wife as bud. :-D

technicolor turncoat

08/22/19 3:30 PM

#245934 RE: C to the E #245927

And I would offer you the couch if I wasn’t already sleeping on it. :-D


08/22/19 5:34 PM

#246007 RE: C to the E #245927

Lol... my wife has said that this is a scam all along. After todays fiasco, im in the doghouse...


08/22/19 5:56 PM

#246018 RE: C to the E #245927

I feel for you. I've been preaching this stock for 2 years also and I keep sending the PR's as proof it's a good company then the stock tumbles down. But....I am still a firm believer that it is going to correct itself and then your wife will be like...We can buy the house of our dreams...OMG I am so grateful you bought into FUNN $$$$$
I have tons of spare room I could offer you better than a couch but I live in Canada. Just remind her that by September 30th this will all be history. Hang tight as we are all doing. I've done my homework and I am convinced we are in good hands.


08/22/19 6:08 PM

#246023 RE: C to the E #245927

Well GL but in my case she trusts me 100% with my moves I make in the market. She also believes in Snakes potential so that is a plus. Hopefully after this runs large from here then maybe your wife will never doubt or question or give you flack about any position you have moving forward. Amazing how a stock can go from hohum to turning on to a lifechanging scenario for some too and how things quickly change with wifey lol. I believe it will and maybe your wife will never ever doubt your moves ever again moving forward once get to that happy pps point. GL2USALL!)


08/22/19 8:01 PM

#246069 RE: C to the E #245927

You’re brave to let your wife know how much money you have invested here. My wife thinks I just invested some beer money. She has no idea :)