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08/19/19 11:17 PM

#245088 RE: coydiggity #245087

Unboxing is hilarious. They seemed to be impressed with quality of the game!

technicolor turncoat

08/20/19 1:06 AM

#245092 RE: coydiggity #245087

Nice! “Worth the wait”


08/20/19 1:26 AM

#245093 RE: coydiggity #245087

That is AWESOME! Seriously, when I first started accumulating FUNN something like this wasn't even in the works yet. It was talked about as merely a possibility in the future.

Now we are seeing for the FIRST time people PRODUCING VIDEOS OF OUR PRODUCT IN THEIR HANDS!

This is just the FIRST GAME of ours to come in a long line of games. The BRAND will just continue to gain STRENGTH. Board Games is a $42 BILLION DOLLAR MARKET! Snakes has the knowledge, the testing grounds, the designers, the market, the entire supply chain!

Seriously, all these trifling BULLSHIT complaints don't hold a candle to everything that went in to having a video like this come to fruition.

Folks simply need to appreciate everything that went in to making that moment happen. How far we have come and how much farther we will be going. For every ONE bullshit complaint of things gone 'wrong' ONE THOUSAND thing went RIGHT. THAT IS A REAL GROWTH COMPANY GROWING.

NOTHING is going to hold this train back!

FUNN has STUCK to their path, and that end goal is NASDAQ, they are on their way!

$$$$ FUNN $$$$


08/20/19 7:11 AM

#245095 RE: coydiggity #245087

Awesome!!! Very well made game!)


08/20/19 7:12 AM

#245096 RE: coydiggity #245087

Great find Coy. I agree with Plowmaster. When I first bought AMFE I never imagined the company buying a game publishing company. Now I'm watching a video of someone unboxing FUNN's first self published game . Way to go Morning!!!!!!!!!

This game and Red Panda will be available for retail holiday sales. Can you say more revenue.

Exciting time ahead


08/20/19 9:26 AM

#245109 RE: coydiggity #245087

Sweeeet! KTU!!!) So obv games are being received!!

NICE to come home to!))))