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08/11/19 8:11 PM

#208017 RE: AVII77 #208014

I thought the same thing about Nissen and did several searches for any information about mineral oil interference with statins and could not find anything other than the negative article quotes for MO and reduce it. Do you know of any studies or other research that identifies statin absorption when taken with MO? I think If nothing is available I will send another complaint to the Cleveland Clinic about Nissen’s reckless statements.


08/11/19 9:48 PM

#208034 RE: AVII77 #208014

Great DD AVII.

Would it help us and Amarin if you (as one of the most respected ihub contributors) send this and other similar evidence to Amarin before the AdCom hearing?

Or do you think they already have such evidence collected/compiled and analyzed and ready to defend us ....


08/11/19 11:29 PM

#208041 RE: AVII77 #208014

It's a good example, AVII, but as you know, ANCHOR didn't show that:

Why did it go down in MARINE but up in ANCHOR (and REDUCE-IT)? This is the kind of question AMRN needs a slam dunk answer to if it comes up at AdCom.

This is the kind of thing that is sending me hunting.


08/12/19 3:22 PM

#208193 RE: AVII77 #208014

avi - Nice find. Hopefully Amarin is aware of their own relevant data - it is a great rebuttal.


08/12/19 3:35 PM

#208199 RE: AVII77 #208014

Thank you AVII! MO issue is totally debunked!!


08/12/19 4:30 PM

#208232 RE: AVII77 #208014

Nice find but is it even scientifically valid with such a small sample size and placebo adjusted p values close to 1 for the 4 g group (not stat sig)?


08/12/19 5:20 PM

#208250 RE: AVII77 #208014

Thank you. Always enjoy your insight.

What are your thoughts about the following.

In the trial all patients are treated for LDL-C goal. So if mineral oil reduced absorption in same patients as soon as doctors saw LDL-C rising then they should have increased their statin dose canceling out any mineral oil effect.

Additionally, At the end even if LDL- C went up in the placebo a few points all patients in the placebo arm on average remained below the optimal level of LDL-C (100 mg/dl) so I just cannot see how mineral oil could explain the 25% reduction regardless of how you cut this pie.


08/13/19 3:57 PM

#208538 RE: AVII77 #208014

BEST Post Ever on MO: 208014