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07/26/19 7:31 PM

#204051 RE: Whalatane #204050

Personally - I think the market is fairly priced for now. Just waiting for what the label will be - meaning how broad - before the analysts can start making their projections and upgrades.
Even though they seldom get it right, they need something to hang their hat on.

Patents will get settled - after all the generics would rather come in when they can get a piece of a multi- billion market then try and carve out a several hundred-million market



07/26/19 7:58 PM

#204054 RE: Whalatane #204050

“Yet the market doesn’t seem to agree .
Why not ?”

I tend to agree with JL. On 9/24/2018 the “Market” was caught with their pants and underwear down at high noon in the middle of the town square on parade day. They’re still working to get their underwear up and rather baffled at all the cheers and applause.

james murphy

07/26/19 8:19 PM

#204057 RE: Whalatane #204050

Here we go


07/26/19 9:29 PM

#204070 RE: Whalatane #204050

Kiwi the Bull, I love your new confidence. I think many of us were just a bit shell shocked by the nature and timing of the dilution. It initially spurred a lot of fear, anger, and questions { of which we don't know all the answers }. As far as sentiment, nothings changed. Moments of irrational exuberance followed by irrational fear then long periods of the doldrums.
we've all been through many challenging and stressful times with AMRN. I think the stock is fairly valued at $18 given that the recent rise to 23 was probably an over reaction to news that didn't justify the price. IMO. A lot of us have a lot riding on this and its going to cause fear and anxiety the closer we get to PDUFA especially with all the Fudsters spreading doubt and fear{ like PYRR }. I'm fine with 18 for now and chose to trust that management has things under control until proven otherwise. As for me, my sentiment is bullish but I'm a little nervous and stressed right now and have been for 2 years on and off. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't. Nobody knows what's around the next corner and none of have all the behind the scene facts. The facts that we do have[Reduceit etc.] make me bullish and I'm long and holding all shares until I have a valid reason not too. Best wishes.


07/27/19 11:45 AM

#204107 RE: Whalatane #204050

Anecdotally regarding resistance from insurers-

My wife went to her annual gyno exam last month and had blood work.
Last year her triglycerides were a little high and this year they had risen to 300ish.

Her physician suggested more exercise and starting OTC fish oil. Wife wasn't excited about the prospect of fish oil on her sensitive stomach so she inquired about vascepa.

Physician wasn't familiar with it, so kind of discouraged, saying 'we don't need a drug yet"

Physician called her later and said she would prescribe if we wanted, we looked into express scripts and it is payed for 100% on her plan, no copay, so cheaper for us than fish oil.

The gel caps are somewhat large and Mrs usually has a bit of trouble with large capsules, but found gel caps to be easy to swallow.

Process to get is easy, 90 day supply came within a week.

So far no stomach fishy issues :-)