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07/21/19 4:50 PM

#2891 RE: gdogg1000 #2877

Misery loves company gdogg

Transactions don’t equate to servings. I guess you did not read properly.

“What happens when the weather cools?”

You do have that problem with your dozens of brick n mortar shops. The difference here is that these are placed in a destination within a destination. Research has shown that these warm and cozy places have almost no effect on sales. Nobody wants to drive to your “many locations” in the frozen tundra. In the comfort of a location that people spend hours is a different story altogether.

“My gut, experience and insider information (lmfao) tell me that the yogurt vending concept is a bust”

Yes man, your business is a bust. You are giving the same people the same boring and expensive experience.
Like I wrote in my previous post “no one ever says ‘OMG how amazing or that’s so f*ckin cool” at your many boring and regular places of business.
Of course you are in trouble. Again that’s why we will eat your lunch and dessert!

“The insiders don’t see VEND as a competitor because the industry has shifted away from yogurt”

The industry has only shifted away from your boring and expensive business model. Maybe Reis and Irvy’s is not big competition at this point in time, but it surely is a very different experience for consumers and will, with time, devour you. Give it time, this is so new.

You still can’t seem to differentiate this interactive experience, that appeals to almost every customer, with your own business. Healthy desserts are not dying at all. Only your froyo is dying...lmfao.

Limited posts allowed after expressing my views about the 3 chronic bed wetters that post Every Single Day here.

Sonata (aka Funeral March) asked “Tell us about Mickelson”. Why would I be privy to that information Dick?
Do you think franchisees give a rat’s arse about him? I am just a franchisee and stockholder that has 10 years to wonder if my investment in VEND stock was smart or not. Much bigger “fish to fry” for me right now.

Misery loves company.