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07/21/19 7:10 PM

#2892 RE: RoBotInVaSiOn #2891

RoBoInVaSiOn = Bad advise

Your assertions are reflected in the price valuation of the stock = worthless.

Facts speak for themselves. You have no factual basis for your comments. Anybody on this board only needs to look around them, analyze the marketplace, call a distributor or two to find out the truth. I have pointed out several case examples to help anyone investing in this company make an analytical investment decision. My goal is to help people protect themselves against the potentially harmful and misleading acts of the franchisor. I encourage everyone who is interested in investing this company to look up the American Association of Franchise Dealers (AAFD) and read the book "The Franchise Fraud".

This business is not rocket science. It's yogurt for crying out loud. Benjamin Franklin said that "Once an opportunity is realized it is lost". Reis as missed the train folks. Industry data shows that yogurt has passed and the industry is moving on to other concepts.

If any franchisees are involved in this company, you need to form a franchisee association quickly. There is strength in numbers. Protect yourselves!!!

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07/21/19 8:28 PM

#2893 RE: RoBotInVaSiOn #2891

Very interesting post. However, it does bring up some questions/points.

these warm and cozy places have almost no effect on sales

In the comfort of a location that people spend hours is a different story altogether.

Do you mean malls? Because malls are closing all across the country at a scary pace. They are a dying breed. Of course, VEND is more than happy to get machines in those places. It takes very little effort. lol. But, don't take that as any kind of indicator. One word sums up the future of malls everywhere. Amazon. Only the company with the largest market cap in the world.

If you are talking about office buildings, employees are there to work, not eat froyo at their desk. Where else are they going to eat it? In the lobby? Boring. Outside? Too hot. In the building's café? The café doesn't want outside food in their business. Lastly, and most importantly, office buildings are professional environments. Property managers work very hard to create the right feel for tenants. And that machine is NOT compatible with that environment in any way, shape or form.

If you are thinking about colleges/universities, forget about it. You miss summer sales, which is the biggest season for froyo, and students are getting smarter and more frugal with their money. Besides, given a choice between beer or froyo, which do you think they are going to choose?

If you are talking about Chuck E. Cheese, that is a pure winner. This kids would love it. On Saturday and Sunday.

Do you think franchisees give a rat’s arse about him... I am just a franchisee and stockholder

As a franchisee, you should care. And as a shareholder, you should care even more. Are you aware of some of the details? The company gave him 30 machines for less than the cost of 1. Note, I said cost, not price. Let me repeat this in different terms. The company gave him almost $1 million of machines for less than $50,000. So, who do you think is paying for that? You, as a shareholder and franchisee. Seriously, think about that.

I am just a franchisee and stockholder that has 10 years to wonder if my investment in VEND stock was smart or not

Oh, you won't have to wait that long. I'm calling my shot right now. This thing will be gone in 2 years or less. Aside from it turning into what I believe is a Ponzi scheme, the fact that all California franchisees will have to clean their machines three times a week is a total and complete deal killer for most, if not all, CA franchisees. Even if you have only 3 machines, between going to each location and cleaning them, that is close to 10 hours a week. That is close to a part time job. You think the guy who purchased the LA and OC territory is going to go for that? Not a chance, even if he hired someone to do it because it would cost too much. Besides, wasn't this thing marketed as passive income?

According to you, misery loves company. Well, you are going to have lots and lots of company in the not so distant future.
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07/21/19 8:52 PM

#2894 RE: RoBotInVaSiOn #2891

You may think you have 10 years RoBozo. But the way it looks now, it will be closer to 10 months before the current management files for bankruptcy. It just doesn't seem to sink in for you. Try your very best to pay attention. We are trading at .58 which is down 80% from our 52 week high. Most shareholders including myself are getting slaughtered in a stock and company they were foolish enough to believe in. Every day there is heavy selling pressure that looks like will never end. We can never get updated on many of the elements that got us to invest in this company in the first place. And let's not forget about the additional 100 million authorized shares that management must be salivating over. Is there anything above that you are struggling to understand? Yep, it sure looks like smooth sailing from here RoBozo...IMHO...