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06/18/19 10:29 AM

#197014 RE: BIOChecker4 #197012

Coiled spring.

You should cover.

S&P price target $17.25
Janney price target $10

Did you hear former FDA commissioner yesterday say that the next best thing is "neurodegenration" targets, and that this presents the "biggest opportunity?"

Did you read Investors Business Daily this weekend? It explicitly covered The Approach Anavex is taking to treat Alzheimer's.

It's Anavex's time. Why? Because Anavex is now at the intersection of Mainstreet and WallStreet.

I think Janney is covering Anavex because Anavex is at the M&A table!!!!


06/18/19 10:41 AM

#197016 RE: BIOChecker4 #197012

I think Janney smells an offering coming and wants to be part of the deal. That's likely why the analyst initiated coverage.

How does staring coverage in AVXL correlate to an advantage to them, if an offering was coming?

Please educate us unsophisticated, non-bio-checked investors.

Because by the same token of the peer review speculation, it sounds criminal.

As well as a hit to Janney`s reputation.



06/18/19 11:05 AM

#197027 RE: BIOChecker4 #197012

Worked great for Cantor: I think Janney smells an offering coming and wants to be part of the deal.

Missling is playing his own version of 3d chess. I htink Janney just thinks this is a good investment