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06/09/19 11:39 AM

#232387 RE: sentiment_stocks #232381

Finally someone sees the light.

Woodford is in a difficult position. It is possible that he needs to raise 20% or more in cash to fund redemptions. Pretty challenging task given a portfolio with some non-traded shares, illiquid shares, and concentrated positions.

If he sells only the most liquid stocks, he winds up with an imbalanced portfolio that is extremely illiquid.

For untraded shares, he is a distressed seller and unlikely to get decent prices. This also makes it difficult to sell an even slice of the portfolio.

If he tries to do another swap with his PCT (Patient Capital Trust), there are issues. PCT can only take on so much untraded stock given its own constraints, and Equity Income is a larger fund. PCT is trading at a wide discount to NAV partly because the market expects Equity Income to sell the shares it received in the earlier swap deal.


06/09/19 1:56 PM

#232397 RE: sentiment_stocks #232381

Linda Powers may well be waiting for Mr. Woodford to sell before she finally releases the game-changing news or at least a clear timeline on game changing news which would also help the share price (though not as much as the news itself).

There would be no way to prove it and I’m sure that even if it did happen a decent interval would be allowed to elapse first, but given the bad blood between the two and and Ms. Powers’ previous scorched earth strategy for dealing with Mr. Woodford’s dissent, this is not as far-fetched as it might sound.


06/09/19 5:02 PM

#232434 RE: sentiment_stocks #232381

You are being far too generous Senti. The challenge to Jerry was to explain why if there is no naked shorting and this is just legitimate normal selling who exactly is selling all these shares at $0.30? Saying that Woodford might need to sell in the near future cause he now needs some money really has nothing to do with why the stock price is being at held at around $0.30. Jerry has not really come up with a bona fide reason and who is selling yet. I am still waiting with bated breath.