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06/03/19 4:41 PM

#231058 RE: Lorie3168 #231051

The only upcoming trial we are looking at in the next 6 months is a 10 patient P1 (expandable to 24) trial of Direct in brain mets. They have already ponied up the cash to Cognate to get manufacturing back up.

I doubt this costs much of anything (past Cognate).

The Direct pediatric trial is still discussing how it can be run. So not happening this year.

The UCLA based CI combo trial (with -L) is fairly clearly nixed as they paid Cognate to restart Direct but not -L.

The German combo trial they talked about at the ASM (and announced over 2 years ago) has not been seen anywhere. I think they are translating the IND.

And yes, they will need cash soon regardless of the above.


06/03/19 4:48 PM

#231061 RE: Lorie3168 #231051

My bad. I was thinking the production of direct in 10 weeks had something to do with a trial.