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05/06/19 2:01 PM

#227264 RE: edro #227261

He learned his lesson. He was "too" transparent the first go around when the 16 and 17 10k was filed.

He understands that most news will not move this stock until the current 10k comes out barring some spectacular news.

What's to say??


05/06/19 2:02 PM

#227265 RE: edro #227261

Prolly wise for them to go about it way they are while trying to wrap up the audit honestly imo. I've came to that conclusion too. They have been damned if they do, damned if they don't with releasing anything really. Then CEO only gets burned at the stake when he PRs anything other than audit done. The company has said just enough for me while trying to wrap this audit up and getting back on that path northwards. The latest tweet stream told me all I need to know too really. So I patiently and confidently wait for the shift to occur when certain things hit. Less is actually more right now for those that can see the light too IMO. In the meantime for us shareholders/believers, those that can take advan are and those that cant sit back confidently waiting way I see it. Then when you know what hits...gusher of flow time acometh. Because we KNOW there are many things on the table that have been held back by the audit and some are even clear to see. Others that will naturally begin to flow when this gets rid of the stop sign too like moving forward with the divvy/spin off. Even has been stated how once this audit cloud passes the focus can then go back onto the business itself and all other moves which can bring back the PR train like the past.

I'd say it is mapped out pretty dang well knowing what is out there for DD and being worked on. New locations, games hitting, Gro3 moves, record Snakes numbers(based off the audited fins from 16 and 17 showing growth near 8 figs revs then toss in last years new locations as well and pretty easy to see the numbers shall be even larger yet.) Getting to QB 1st just opens the AMFE door back up I'm betting. Then can properly focus on the stock side of things more so considering the current state. Actually the weeding out over past few years can be a good thing as well moving forward. Just more people that were impatient whom may want to chase to get back in like clockwork when the light switch is turned on. Meanwhile true believer STRONGS have continued to chomp at the bit when able and sat back weathering til the tide change finally emerges. Hey some of us even believe it could happen any day outta nowhere. Will see. Magic mix scenario STILL in play for me..maybe even better for the upside moving forward now with the process weeding out as it has. Shall see. Time always tells.


05/06/19 2:13 PM

#227268 RE: edro #227261

Roger is just a BS'er. Great on "forward looking statements". Not so when following through on them.

He is just a typical pinky CEO with no abilities but to BS people.

Snakes deserves better.


05/06/19 2:16 PM

#227271 RE: edro #227261

The prevailing thought as to why he isn't communicating like he used to is because he has got reamed out from SH's when his very optimistic PR's and tweets didn't turn out so good, mainly in regards to the audit. Roger should absolutely give us an update on the audit status as he did with the last audit in August which very much helped explain WHY the audit was taking longer which is important to understand as it does away with all the speculation. The fact that he hasn't done that like he did prior 8 months and counting into this audit only fuels speculation that something more nefarious is holding up the audit. Either way, Roger has done a horrific job in the IR department in 2019 but has been an issue since late 2017. If Morning and NSI are more complicated then he thought causing the delay, just tell us. It's a very reasonable explanation for WHY the delay. Time to put your big boy pants on and be a CEO who leads, executes, and communicates effectively. The longer this goes on, the more damage to his reputation and the AMFE brand.