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Poor Man -

04/28/19 4:17 PM

#224555 RE: Ultraz2 #224524

Some act as if LP is Bill Gates, and NWBO is the Gates Foundation. Nothing could be further from the truth. I do agree, however, it's a good sign and a reason why I own shares that LP wants to continue to invest in NWBO, which in effect is insider buying and an otherwise positive signal.

But we need to be intellectually honest. LP has drawn a very large salary over a long period time for a job that I would contend -- in my opinion -- is not really full time. And the loans she's making to NWBO include warrants, with the last extension of her loan to NWBO, in my mind, raising conflict of interest questions since she treated herself to the same or similar terms as to what Bigger received - how do you negotiate an arm length transaction with an investor when you know you'll receive the same terms?

Some may recall that payments between NWBO and Cognate were in the form of discounted shares and MFN conditions, which was the genesis of the problems with Nasdaq - those payments in shares continued until shortly before Cognate was sold. Furthermore, there is no transparency for the amount Toucan may have received in fees from NWBO and Cognate, and the sales price and capital gains from the sale of Cognate. But in my opinion, the sums are considerable. Note, some of the financial obligations between Cognate and NWBO was paid in the forms of NWBO shares from Cognate to Toucan; again, a good sign to accumulate shares, but it does raise questions about how conflicts of interest shaped the terms of the final settlement between and NWBO and Cognate.

I have no problem with Linda making money, but I insist that her actions be aligned with the interest of minority shareholders, whose interests she should represent as a paid employee and board member, CEO and COB, respectively. This stock is 28 cents, delisted and traded as an OTC, and the subject of a SEC investigation, all for a reason. In all fairness, external forces have contributed to these problems, but 75% of the blame falls to management - and that's being generous.

Linda paying Linda to tune of millions in all these companies is a huge conflict of interest. Where did the $46 million go...Advent, Cognate, Toucan...she built Cognate on the backs of shareholders and did we see any of this value in share appreciation, value..,no, just endless dilution. Heck, I would loan $5 million to myself at 13% if I were getting probably close to a $billion over 13 years...that’s a no brainer.


04/29/19 8:00 AM

#224616 RE: Ultraz2 #224524

Ultraz, you said:

Heck, I would loan $5 million to myself at 13% if I were getting probably close to a $billion over 13 years...that’s a no brainer.

Nice to know you think NWBO will last another 13 years. I’m expecting at least that. And when did Linda’s loan interest go from 10% to 13%?