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04/18/19 10:23 AM

#82818 RE: drugmanrx #82816

Starting to look like the train wreck stalled or has been swept away in the Wave Tsunami, or option three the merger is dead and they have no idea what the new shell game will be?

1st quarter 10-Q is do soon. If nothing else.


04/19/19 2:15 AM

#82831 RE: drugmanrx #82816

This sort of stuff seems to go on out in plain sight for the world to see. Not that it makes it right by any stretch of the imagination. Greed and scheming goes on in a lot of places - and unfortunately this behavior is not limited to just microcap companies like SGSI. Take a read through an analysis of how Sears insiders went about their asset stripping and how this is now coming to light. This article ( shows how "Culpable Insiders began a scheme to strip Sears of assets,” plaintiffs claim, which led to these five “Fraudulent Transfers”:"

The circumstances with Sears might just end up in a high profile trial at some point given the players involved and the highly recognizable company name at the heart of the matter. We might not see the same high profile legal fireworks and media circus in this name but as the other post citing examples of case law show, justice will catch up with devious clowns that think they can step in and act with impunity to do deals that benefit themselves at the expense of minority shareholders. Sadly though, the only ones who really win in the end are the lawyers who rack up lots and lots of billable hours taking the bad guys to task for trying to screw the little guy. Far better to do things the right way from the start and not go down the path to the dark side.