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03/27/19 7:31 AM

#149991 RE: DrContango #149989

Onward to Planet Kolob!!! Shirley there is a reason so many crooked pennyscam CPAs are located in Utah. It cannot be random chance.

I always get a chuckle from the modern sculpture just to the north of I-80 between Wendover and SLC. It' been there since the 1980s. It looks like a solar system of spherical orbs (planets) cirling the center pole, with broken pieces of one of the orbs on the ground, as though that planet fell and was shattered.

I don't know what it was intended to mean, butt I always think of the shattered orb on the Bonneville salt flats as representing Planet Kolob.

Perhaps those who bleeve the Book of Mormon are more predisposed to bleeve the fictional financials of pennyscams, ergo so many CPA/audit firms for pennyscams are based in Utah.

Just a guess. This is all a guess. I am continually and continuously amazed by life. The older I become, the more absurd and straight-up ridiculous this all seems.

Sometimes I think the only really sane person I've ever met was the 60-something dude who spent (and I bet still does) his entire life surfing in SoCal, just picking up part-time work (at a yacht brokerage) to pay his minimal bills. He's prolly 80-something now and still surfing 28 days a month. Back when I met him, he was in his 60s and he didn't look a day over 35, maybe 40 tops. Although his skin was a bit leathered in the face with some sun-wrinkles like Redford had back in his 30s.

That dude was sane, or as close as I've ever come to meeting a sane person.

The rest of us, we're all confused clowns in the parade. No real idea who's leading the parade, where it's going, or why we joined the parade.

... now where did I leave my magic spectacles? How can I read the golden tablets (NTEK's 'financials') without my magic spectacles?