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03/13/19 5:48 AM

#217962 RE: CogDiss 1188X #217953

Is it soup yet?

In the end, Dr. Wick wants to see the unblinded Phase III data very badly.


03/13/19 12:40 PM

#218036 RE: CogDiss 1188X #217953


My perspective on Wick’s interview seems to be somewhat of a minority opinion based on past posts I’ve read (they may have been mostly over at the wolf’s den), though I appreciate the additional info on his potential COIs and competing vaccine. They don’t seem to have affected his comments in the interview, IMO.

It’s kind of a big nothing burger, as the old saying goes.

I believe he felt discomfort discussing trial results that are still blinded (therefore not ready for analysis) and published in a less than stellar journal (he really winces here or maybe it was indigestion), apparently without peer-review. For a scientist, this is a reasonable and, and I believe, correct perspective. Thus, he limited himself to what he could say without guess work, connecting dots and filling in blanks. It’s safe, it’s feasible — show us the unblinded data already!

I don’t hold this particular interview against him, though I suppose he could have diplomatically bowed out.

Stupp and Fine, on the other hand, when interviewed on the same topic, revealed themselves to be big...