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02/22/19 5:25 AM

#215367 RE: longfellow95 #215366

Perhaps anything that is 'peer-reviewed', should be marked down as less likely to be accurate and reliable...

Oh, the irony.
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02/22/19 5:51 AM

#215368 RE: longfellow95 #215366

Holy Smokes.
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02/22/19 6:46 AM

#215374 RE: longfellow95 #215366

Rather unfortunate term; 'doctored'...

I'd prefer to be "vetted" rather than be "doctored".
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02/22/19 6:52 AM

#215375 RE: longfellow95 #215366

Essentially the editors for the most prestigious scientific Journals in the U.S. and perhaps the world are calling half their work out on the mat as bogus. This fact must result in needless death at some level due to the unmitigated fall out -- misdirection, delay, etc. At what point is there culpability for cheating in scientific reviews. Real culpability?
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02/22/19 7:23 AM

#215376 RE: longfellow95 #215366

Welcome to the 21st's still early (century not trial).
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02/22/19 7:43 AM

#215377 RE: longfellow95 #215366

I had heard this once before but it was to scary for my brain to absorb. On the bright side we do see people living longer with cancer. Big Pharma has deep pockets and reach far. Time for another clean up like in Bush administration.
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02/22/19 10:51 AM

#215386 RE: longfellow95 #215366

Excellent post - I stole it and posted it in two other locations, one of which was my SCAMS-R-US board.

I gave you full credit.

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CogDiss 1188X

02/22/19 5:47 PM

#215460 RE: longfellow95 #215366

It is telling that Dr Horton and Dr Angell, former editors of two of the most prestigious medical journals, wrote books decrying the corruption of medicine as soon as they left their posts.

Here are two more — seems to be a growing cottage industry:

Dr Jerome Kassirer, former Editor-in-Chief of The New England Journal of Medicine and

Dr Richard Smith, a previous editor of the British Medical Journal for twenty five years.

Here’s a snippet of a review of Smith’s book:

This is an absolute must read book. It is beautifully written, but the content is quite devastating. I read it from end to end in one sitting and was riveted throughout. Any illusions one might have had about the integrity of scientific research, the veracity of papers, and the altruism of journals are shattered forever. But the demolition is done with such a lovely blend of logic, humour, anecdote, and evidence that it really does make a cracking good read. It should be a standard text for all courses in scientific subjects, never mind medicine, as it would open students' eyes to the dangers of taking published work for granted.

Well, at least it’s a cracking good read.

Looks like one has to get out a magnifying glass, a slide rule and the most state-of-the-art bullshit detector one can find when reading the odd prestigious medical journal these days.

This dilemma (trust authority and be regularly misled or take on the Herculean task of rolling up ones sleeves to fact-check everything) reminds me of a quote by Chomsky on developing “courses of intellectual self-defense” in the context of social change movements — short but thought provoking as a potential way forward if adapted patient advocacy groups that don’t take corporate sponsorship: