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02/21/19 12:49 PM

#560090 RE: jerrylev #560035

The idea that the NOLs would/will "go away" is such errant nonsense. The NOLs were Nationstar's primary motivation for agreeing to the merger. They are what WMIH brought to the table. Now, after the merger is complete, the NOLs will "go away"? This is just plain silly.

This is what happens when a line of thinking moves at a tangent to reality.

The way to avoid this is to step back (way back) from your pet theory and ask yourself, every time you come to some working or interim conclusion: Does this make sense? Does the evidence support this? It is called a reality check. Obviously, a reality check simply does not support a conclusion that the NOLs will go away or have gone away. Wait for COOP's annual report (10K); the NOLs will still be there. Then it will be time to discard the theory once and for all.

Better yet, if I can remember, I will be on the CC (the one that should follow the filing of the 10K) and will ask point blank if management foresees the loss of the NOLs or an event that would cause the loss of the NOLs.

This silliness demonstrates the quality of the "analysis" that is found in 95%+ of the posts on this board.