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02/07/19 6:27 PM

#558194 RE: LuckyPanda #558192

the trust however wouldn't be the ones currently holding any so called off-book or safe harbor assets though would they? I don't think so, the trust isn't hidding or not reporting anything that are obligated too since they are the ones holding it? So technically they aren't saying anything wrong or misleading at all IMO

So who's holding what if anything, idk.. no clue. A&M? Or maybe JPM really did get it all for nothing, I personally don't rule that out yet as ticked off as I'll be if that ends up being the case.


02/07/19 6:35 PM

#558197 RE: LuckyPanda #558192

~ LP, All Of This Could Have Just As Easily Been Disclosed on March 20, 2012 ~

This could have all been properly disclosed on the day after' the Plan 7 Implementation ... but that isn't what was done' ... the initial 2009 delaying and blocking mechanism, was massaged throughout' ... up to and until the WMI-LT requested B Rosen to file, "the Motion", back on 08/30/2018 ...

the QSR's have been accurate, ... There will not be any additional LTI's Issued ...

this has truly been shameful, on the part of the original 2009 group and this WMI-LT ... ain't that right M Willingham and D Southard (dont_b_kruel) ... ? ... a couple of the paid members of the Trusts "Advisory" Board' ...


Large Green

02/07/19 7:29 PM

#558220 RE: LuckyPanda #558192

LP, the answer to the question (#18) by the WMILT was referring to (WMB) Washington Mutual Bank Receivership BUT we are not talking about WMB, we were talking about assets of WMI the holding company that was illegal in 2008 to seize and Safe Harbor Beneficial Assest.

This is where the 5AT or Fifth Amendment taking comes from - Yes, artful lawyers skirted the actual question to make THEIR ANSWER correct.

Now go back and read question/answer number 18 closely.


02/08/19 12:56 AM

#558261 RE: LuckyPanda #558192

My take is that the trust kind of answer truthfully.

- There are currently no safe harbor assets, no bankruptcy remote assets, etc. because they were all sold.

- The proceed is either held in some Delaware trusts, and/or not paid for yet. The trust truthfully reported all money it has.

It's like if I have 1M in 401K at work + IRA, i don't have to declare to the IRS until I will sell. I have money but I don't have money.


02/08/19 1:56 AM

#558266 RE: LuckyPanda #558192

They are telling us like it is....THERE ARE NO SAFE HARBOR ASSETS. All the crap we've been promoting all these years is BS. It's over!!!


02/08/19 11:39 AM

#558333 RE: LuckyPanda #558192

I think we need an email campaign to get the LT to state the following.

"Under penalty of perjury, there will never be any assets, or monetary gains, or beneficial interest in any remote bankruptcy entities or assets that are attributable to class 19, 21, and/or 22 other than what is stated in the most recent QSR, the Disputed Equity Escrow, and potential gains from FDIC LIBOR lawsuit."


02/08/19 11:43 AM

#558336 RE: LuckyPanda #558192

Unless there is some obscure footnote we have missed that does report or include those assets.