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01/12/19 1:19 PM

#171927 RE: Biobillionair #171878

While there are better non-invasive imaging tools available now for analyzing liver fibrosis, gold standard is still a liver biopsy - FDA is not going to buy off on imaging until somebody proves that the technology is just as accurate or better than biopsies. NAVB has wonderful liver images using their Lymphoseek diagnostic, shows detailed areas of liver inflammation and fibrosis, but it has zero value because they can't prove that what the images show represents accurate pathology of liver patients with NASH.


01/12/19 2:08 PM

#171938 RE: Biobillionair #171878


As I have said before, I used 4 GR per day of Vascepa for fatty liver for one year and my results were so significant that I am now disease free, Biopsy has been replaced with a 3 minute scan called Fibroscan. Additionally I did not change my alcohol consumption and my weight loss was very little.

There is no doubt in my mind that it worked for me.
