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01/07/19 8:28 PM

#5345 RE: PurpleTurtle #5344

Company is engaged in debt restructuring negotiations so i think a lot of any pending notes are not going to hit. good news. there are some notes coming due but we won't see them until late march through late july.

should be smooth sailing until spring which could be really good. we have an annual report in feb which should be good with all this debt being forgiven and liquidated.

a lot of notes already hit with the os going from 53m to 900m minus with the ceo and other insiders got.

think about the sales the company is pulling in versus the valuation the stock is currently giving the company.

stock values pbya at 720k for a company coming into it's own with sales in the millions.

imo & my opinion only pbya should be valued above .003 and .003 values pbya at 2.7m...

2.7m for what this co has is pretty cheap.

L2 lies valuations don't