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01/07/19 3:05 PM

#207120 RE: jondoeuk #207106

Yes I guess it is pretty old. It has evolved over eons into what is known as the Human Immune System. It has evolved into a system that keeps humans cancer free all the while(pretty long trial I might add). It is the reason why many aids patients develop cancer after their immune system is weakened. DCVAX simply primes the pump again. Neo Antigen? What specific target do you think a neo antigen peptide vaccine goes after that DC Vax wouldn't already pick up in theory. These are comparing rifle shots(Snipers) to a team of potentially 1000's of snipers(bird shot is not accurate analogy). IMUC tried and failed this with 6 different antigens, although a subset of patients that expressed several of the 6 antigens performed better. The point is DC VAX should pick up patient specific neo antigens vs a 1 size fits all magic bullet(s) approach. Giving the wrong antigen to an unmatched patient is like giving the wrong blood from an unmatched donor. DC VAX matches product to patient.


01/07/19 3:44 PM

#207137 RE: jondoeuk #207106

Nonsense. Those are simply other efforts. There are always bound to be many simultaneous different but similar efforts. We see the same thing in CAR-T, which has myriad competitors, some with very exciting new technologies still coming to market, and all for a fairly narrow are of blood cancers at this stage...

CogDiss 1188X

01/07/19 7:07 PM

#207179 RE: jondoeuk #207106

Jondoeuk, you seem to be up on the neoantigen approach. How is this an improvement over all the prior tumor associated antigen vaccine approaches that have been used in the past?


01/07/19 7:07 PM

#207181 RE: jondoeuk #207106

Interesting... you draw conclusion it is old. For me their science is the most elegant and the mechanism is working just right. Once it is approved, it will work for those patients young and old for all human races. It doesn’t need computers or AI to predict neoantigens since the dendritic cells are already born to do just that. You will be more than surprised that what you called old tecnology will one day also work for solid tumors in all indications. Jmho.


01/09/19 7:50 AM

#207481 RE: jondoeuk #207106

There's nothing old about the DCVax Platform. You're sorely misinformed and providing all these constant links to other technologies is weird and completely without meaning.

The fact is Dr.'s Liau, Prins, and Bosch, among others working on DCVax, have gleaned more information and developed more insight and knowledge than any other Vaccine out there and perhaps any of the other newer technologies, in my opinion. There is something being lost on people; that sometimes the more elegant and useful idea is not so complex as those which cause some people to become geeked at what may appear to be an incredibly sophisticated technology which in the end is found to be only a small switching mechanism that ends up being only one small piece of the puzzle.

The Dean of my Medical School spoke to us at our orientation and told us something I feel was very profound; He said that we'll be confronted with all kinds of new technology in our career and the temptation will be to use that technology to it's fullest, but that we had to remember that despite that technology and despite the nature of a physical exam, those of us who remain astute and informed will find that in the end "the answer will always be found in the story". The point being of course is that sophistication to way too many is often the one that appears precise and "the newest", while the answer may truly be that the story favors DCVax. One can love and get excited by the new fighter jet but a sophisticated ground force will still be most important in my opinion.


01/09/19 9:19 AM

#207488 RE: jondoeuk #207106

Perhaps they are making these deals because they know dcvax is going to be huge and linda wont sell out. Therefore they better come up with their own personalized therapies or they are f@cked.