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12/04/18 9:22 PM

#67628 RE: RPR #67627

Can't we say we have a deal with AMTRON?

This is exactly what I mean when I say people try to make things into more than they are and flat out make stuff up. From the first line in the press release:

QMC grants a "right of use" of QMC Intellectual Property for development, manufacture and commercialization of quantum dots to Amtronics CC...

Why not just say what we know to be true instead of trying to wigglefit AMTRON into it??? Is that the only way you think it sound like a good deal?

And no, having a "deal" doesn't mean the tech is commercially viable. Go ask Dow if you can't understand this...


12/05/18 11:08 AM

#67642 RE: RPR #67627

"If I am right AMTRON going to invest some $4-5m ..."

What I have seen documented in the Final Approval PDF is that the State Government of Assam is contributing $5.6 million to fund the construction of the Tech City infrastructure and Common building in addition to the $7 million being contributed by the Govt of India.

AMTRON is the chief promoter and managing the construction of the common portion of the Tech City EMC project. AMTRON will manage the operation of Tech City and the common buildings since it is being built on government owned land (99 year leases).

The financing, construction and the operation of specific manufacturing units is the responsibility of "constituent" units, like Amtronics. To ensure the overall project is successful (protecting the government investment in the project), AMTRON is providing bank loan guarantees to help the manufacturing companies get their facilities built and up and running. I think the loan guarantees are being provided in place of direct subsidies.

What is your source for the $4-5 million investment by AMTRON in Amtronics?