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Replies to #553 on UEX Corp fka UEX


11/30/18 1:40 PM

#554 RE: joe_techi #553

I really don't think that we will see the 90% in the last 10% factor this time around. I thing it is going to be a more stable ride / longer ride up this time. There will likely be spikes of course, but go back and review some of the stuff I posted on Longer and Stronger to see why I say that.

I am of the view that the 'producer discipline' combined with Nuclear Plant Growth, change to environmental mindset, and Long Term Contract expiries coming up will result in that Longer and Stronger scenario this time around as opposed to the 90-10 rule that you refer to. As I say, nobody knows for sure. I believe that since you are here now that you are WAAAAYYY ahead of the herd and once this gets going you might not care too much about bottoms and tops - unless you are on a beach spending your profits that is. :)

Of course today we have to contend with Algorithm trading which makes thinks even more difficult to predict. That is why I always say...

Live LONG and Prosper


11/30/18 1:57 PM

#555 RE: joe_techi #553

maybe the question is how fast do we expect this to take off?

So that's the how longs a piece of string questions?

As I already pointed out 2019-2020 is my best guess of when it will start to move.

Should really move in December imo as the underlying fundamentals are in place for the move.

However it's the institutional money that will make the needle move exponentially. WATCH FOR THAT

You will be aware of Funds that were set up by big players to buy up spot an indication of interest started.

232 will be a catalyst

43-101 another

Coex spin out fab opportunity

Long term contracts will be another catalyst

But it that institutional money I'm watching for.

Consequently the ride up will be stronger for longer this time and $200 - $270 spot on the horizon.

Last time spot went about 9 low to 140 ish about 15 times

Spot low this time about 18 so do the math


Enjoy the opportunity you are ahead of the taxi drivers