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11/25/18 6:22 PM

#162777 RE: rapid_runner #162760



This is an antioxidant that is produced by the body in all cells...It has pleotropic effects and is thought to have some role in preventing oxidation of LDL-C...It is widely used by patients taking because it may lower the risk of certain side effects of statins such as weakness and muscle cramps...

I am not an expert on this supplement...And have no personal experience in using it or statins...Your PCP most likely knows much more about the subject than I do...

":>) JL


11/26/18 4:58 AM

#162839 RE: rapid_runner #162760

CoQ10 info for you. fyi I've been taking it for years.


11/26/18 2:18 PM

#162941 RE: rapid_runner #162760

Since I've been the biggest COQ10 proponent here, I'll give you my 2 cents - since you're on a statin, you should definitely be taking that supplement - statins can greatly reduce the amount of COQ10 produced by your body, and your levels naturally start dropping as you get older. One suggestion is that you not buy that expensive ubiquinol form - you're paying twice as much per capsule for a form that's really not much different from the standard form - Amazon shows $23.49/120 caps, while the Vitacost brand I've been taking for a decade is only $12.99/120 caps:

I take 2 per day, and my internist has added COQ10 to the vast number of tests he runs on me every 6 months starting last year - my levels are in the optimal range (highly doubtful they would be w/o the supplement), albeit w/o a statin. V is not a replacement for COQ10 - might compliment it though. I'm a strong believer in tailored dietary supplement regimens, preferably taken under a doctor's supervision with testing to monitor things, and think most people could benefit from COQ10 - besides helping with heart function, it's a great antioxidant.


06/27/19 9:59 PM

#198858 RE: rapid_runner #162760


I do not take statins...but my understanding is statins deplete CoQ10 and this causes some of the difficulties in those who take statins...So you might want to continue them or perhaps discontinue their use and see if you notice a difference...

I'm sure there are a number of posters on this site who are better informed than I am and maybe they could weigh in on the subject...

":>) JL


06/28/19 5:37 AM

#198871 RE: rapid_runner #162760

I'll tell you my personal story. I started out on vascepa first and had no issues but once I started on a statin I stared having muscle pain. At that time, I was trying to do the right thing and exercise regularly. I ended up with what seemed to be golfers elbow and tennis elbow. One pain is on the inside of the elbow and the other on the outside. I found co-q-10 on my own. 200 mg helped some but with 400mg I no longer have any issues. So it is worth it for me.


06/28/19 6:56 AM

#198879 RE: rapid_runner #162760

After my MI and life time sentence to statins my cardiologist suggested I add CoQ-10 to my daily routine. I take 20mg of Atorvastatin, V since it the day it hit the market and 400 mg ofCoQ-10. I found a new brand on Amazon which is inexpensive compared to what I previously paid. The company is, located in Severna Park, MD.