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10/16/18 9:32 AM

#154820 RE: misanthrope #154818

I have been told the exact same thing when I brought at triple zero two.

Buy when the risk is higher to make more money. For those who want to wait, they don’t have to. They can until Biel becomes a multi billion company.

Buy today BEFORE tomorrow. The FDA approval is money in the bank with ZERO SALE ANYWAY.


10/16/18 9:47 AM

#154823 RE: misanthrope #154818

A voice of reason...


10/16/18 10:00 AM

#154827 RE: misanthrope #154818

Kudos to you! Great thoughtful post, and all true!


10/16/18 10:30 AM

#154842 RE: misanthrope #154818

So How does Biel get to a $1-Share-Price

without a reverse split? Simple 15-25 Million users will do it.

Biel Share Price Per Each 1 Million Actipatches sold per year.

Estimated profit per Actipatch after all costs is $7.00

Think profit is half that, divide the following numbers by two. A third, divide the numbers by three.

19.2 Billion shares outstanding and 25 Billion Authorized. I will use a 25 Billion figure.

$7,000,000 divided by 25 Billion = $.00028 X PE =

PE 30 = $.0084

PE 60 = $.0168

PE 120 =$.0336

High growth companies can sport a much higher PE.

Those numbers are for just $7,000,000 profit in a Year or $1,750,000 profit per Quarter.

That is for 1,000,000 Actipatches sold per Year.

Biel is in Current exponential growth. Biel will be tracking that number shortly.

Keep in mind the average user uses 2.7 Actipatches a year,

and that number is expected to be 10.8 Actipatches per user a year in the U.K.,

with the Government of the U.K. paying for the Actipatches.

So do you think Biel will sell 10 Million Actipatches a year? ABSOLUTELY YES.

Multiply those PE numbers by 10. --- Yes, that is $.084 to $.336 per share.

50 Million Actipatches a year?

Multiply those PE numbers by 50. --- Yes, that is $.42 to $1.68

100 Million Actipatches a Year?

Multiply those PE numbers by 100. --- Yes that is $.84 to $3.36

200 million Actipatches a year?

At this Point PE would not be over 60 in all probability, but never say never.

Multiply those PE numbers by 200. --- Yes that is $1.68 to $6.72

400 Million Actipatches a year?

Multiply those PE numbers by 400. --- Yes that is $3.36 to $13.44

600 Million Actipatches a year?

Multiply those PE numbers by 600. --- Yes that is $5.04 to $20.16

Average user using 2.7 divided by 600 million = 222,222,222 users per year would be needed

With a PE of about 30. That would be about 3% of the people on the planet using Actipatch every year.

Adjust the numbers as you wish, this is a price predicting model based on sales.

There is NOTHING wrong with the share structure other then widely held false beliefs.

CLUE: NHS average user is predicted to use 10.8 Actipatches a year.

Just 100,000 users is 1,080,000 Actipatches purchased per year.

NHS is the Government of the U.K. which is PAYING for Actipatches for their

Estimated 25-29 Million pain sufferers.

Folks, I am telling you this is going to be CRAZY!!


Umm, actually it has Begun!!



10/16/18 11:41 AM

#154873 RE: misanthrope #154818

Oh please, these are all just opinions shared on a message board. That is what most boards consist of. This one is no different than others. It is a place to share thoughts, give personal predictions and vent frustrations. If anyone reads this as gospel and reacts to it as such with their investment without doing your own work, their frustration is justified. Some here give very pertinent information while others blast just because they are 'losing'. That is obvious.

As far as 'company not focusing on sales as of now, I totally agree with that strategy, when we are talking about USA. Name recognition is IMO the first priority. How can they be focused on sales when this is only a 'soft rollout'. IT is just what it says - 'not all out' - ie soft. It is undoubtedly a necessary first step in entering into MAJOR RETAIL stores. This (soft rollout) is CVS/Target's choice. Most likely same will have to occur in the future for other name retail prior to getting on their shelves for good. So no focus on sales? IMO that is totally wrong. There are steps to take and a foundation to build prior to being alongside all those other 'name' brands sitting on the shelves of where this company would like these products to be. Hopefully those future sales will come from these necessary steps.

I think we all knew (and have discussed) the difficulty of a small 'new' company getting product on shelves in these major retail stores, so I for one am happy to hear that it is FINALLY happening!


10/16/18 1:01 PM

#154884 RE: misanthrope #154818

That would be great analysis if it were all accurate. Sales overseas are sluggish because of a limited advertising budget. NHS is a fairly new dynamic and that takes time. Market makers play games with this stock just about every day. Patience is a virtue many lack.