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09/07/18 3:33 PM

#46448 RE: lesgetrich #46446

Most certainly Canadian experience/support is coming to Cali and PNTV simultaneously. Read between the lines folks...if u can read the writing on the wall u know exactly what i'm hinting at. Dot I's and cross T's (relaxed words spoken by Mark today in an obvious progression that is going well) then announce bombshell at their discretion.

For those of u who like a good mystery, cracking the code of what is coming next has been fun. I have arrived at my conclusion of whats coming next and am backing my position with my wallet. It is greater than the addition of Kristin, an audit and the Q! IMO

Yes, we pull back now and should all take advantage of the lows but as we get into October and out! I just hope they hold their hand as long as possible as I believe that the next turn of events will provide great credibility and stability in our progression forward.

Privileged to be in so early and have has so much time to accumulate. Approach moving forward - Maximize the final cheap days ahead because they WILL come to an end soon if what I think is coming is coming.


09/07/18 10:27 PM

#46477 RE: lesgetrich #46446

$PNTV Your responses are becoming comical & out of context, you should try harder to respond to what I "actually" said. There are Canadian companies producing for less outside of California - fact! I never said Canadian companies were moving their production/grow to California or that location doesn't matter. Location matters a great deal - fact! As costs in California continue to rise, that will eat into everyone's profit margins, $PNTV is not exempt - fact! There has to be an underlying reason why $PNTV picked up an $11M revenue producing op for only $5M. I'm about 95% sure I know the answer but I'll ignore the fluff videos and choose to wait for official numbers on an "AUDITED 10Q release" guess is they will be conveniently unaudited financials, if & when they ever get around to posting them. Your idea that you just sell it for more to cover the costs....really?...and what happens when other companies sell it for less? Neither Canna or Canopy have an ounce of interest in producing crop in California, they are definitely coming there for the sales end though, California is the biggest market in the USA and they want it. Raising the price to cover the cost when there are other companies moving into the market that will have the same product at a lower cost...I think anyone that's passed grade 8 math will be able to figure out what would happen & who will take the cake.