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09/04/18 8:53 AM

#164652 RE: jimmy667 #164638


Shall they build new Silos or should they predict Phase 3 with AI then conduct precision Phase 3s to prove what was predicted by AI using the permutations of the Phase 2bs?

New AI tools and methods will continuously challenge the user community to feed it with facts, data and to construct new context (Scwehart said," Information w/o context is worthless", not a trivial challenge. Applying AI in CNS disease research is the scientific method of reasoning on steroids.

We do not yet know, but it looks like Dr.M. is/has been pushing the envelope on, "What we know, we don't know". One can only go that far until some learning occurs around. Then you have to be ready to answer the question, NOW WHAT? AI tools will quickly push the standard learning process to start to take risks it cannot resolve. IMO, the next steps in the application of the "Scientific method" and as Dr.M. he is going "W/O an established Hypothesis". Does he suggest he is literally stepping across the threshold from what,"We know we do not know"....into the domain of, " Not knowing what we do not know". ...AI allows this kind of exploration to a point...maybe that is what has been going on behind the curtain. Let's hope so and also that he and the AVXL team will now have to figure out a way to splain to all the rest of us what it means. It does look like he has the DNA/Links/Biom preliminary information. Not sure how the rest gets discussed w/o some kind of trial-evaluation. We should keep an open mind about what follows after having stable AD patients following A2-73 treatments, B/C that ain't good enough.