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08/23/18 11:03 AM

#3332 RE: chevdawg18 #3331

GM Bigdawg!

I feel ya for sure! No doubt sleeping isn't what we all want to see and this has indeed been well under radars for some time as we know. But my bet is with the company initiatives taking place that the biggest catalysts for this to get noticed by the masses is near. We have been patient and I believe that patience will pay QUICKlike when this really lights up. With Cornerstone making Sonas revs go 15Xish to 15+mil, with audits and uplisting to QB in works, OS roll up, and all other company moves like AI and cloud initiatives I think that could just wake any day when company releases the beef. Then this goes from sleepy to BOOMY!) Im betting the audit/uplist coupled with the share retirement is going to be our light switch moment here. I think they have and are building something great, again under radars for sure, and when certain things happen we know can get legs quicklike. Then provide a huge ROI for us holders in now imo. Yah sucks vol has been lacking but therein lies the beauty of a sleeper like this..because when the right things happen and this begins to really get noticed we know what can happen. Blue sky breakout! I think Sona is ready to unleash the beast anyyy time! Shall see bro! I feel we near!! Soo ready to see it!!! DUE!!!


08/23/18 11:12 AM

#3333 RE: chevdawg18 #3331

Was just telling my buddy that I think this is that type of play/stock that one tucks away in ones pile and when it catches on can make up for the patient waiting period quick like. We've seen these types many times before over the years. Sitting back waiting for real action, appreciation, momo, etc and 1 day it finally hits. Building behind the scenes waiting for their time in the limelight. Once it happens a play like this can make up for the months and years of holding in weeks or days even when catches on imo. I think the company on the right path and I also think their moves will not go unnoticed in the very near term. Sleeper to beast me thinks! Hopefully tis soon bro!! We due!! We def been some patient mofos here lol and I believe it can amaze out of nowhere when all least expect it. Then we begin the real chase!)) Have a good day bud and here's to this having our true wake up call SOON!!!!!!


08/23/18 12:04 PM

#3334 RE: chevdawg18 #3331

Bet they step it up on all fronts including PR front sooner than later. All points to it considering. Material event time comin bro! I think this is our year yet! So I just sitting back waiting for the outta nowhere moment...audit/uplist/SS cancel/etc and BAMMO! THE catalysts we need to get the buzz factor I reckon!)) Heres to it! Could be any dang day too with all timing things considered. Fingers crossed BigDawg!