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Chuckleheads lost it all - 100 percent LOSS in this Khanna/Patel pennyscam turd. Just one of several 100 percent LOSERS like those stupid tickers claiming to recover treasure from shipwrecks, sell magic mushroom juice to potheads, implant nonsense in brain matter, build imaginary solar-powered refineries or fictitious natgas pipelines - or the currently 99.93 percent LOOser ticker that sells $5 bills for $3.31 and doesn't pay its rent or vendors.
SSFT was just another of the many, many cluckhead pennyscams used to harvest the last crumbs of cash from the weak-minded pennyvestors. Butt the Khanna and Patel famblies made bucks from the cluckheads who bought and held this turd. They were nott selling artificial intelligence, they were just relieving the really unintelligent pennychumps of their munny. The pennystock market works exactly as intended - to transfer munny from those who are unable to use it profitably to those who treat the munny better and allocate the capital wisely, even if they are crooks - they know better then to dump their shekels into pennyscams.
Guarantee that the Khannas and Patels who skimmed DaMunny in SSFT aren't using it to buy pennyturds retail. They know better.
Collecting, accumulating, loading LOSSES. Total LOSSES in the SSFT scam.
Re: DFLY post# 18672
Tuesday, February 08, 2022 11:17:27 AM
Collecting, accumulating, loading!
How much cash per share was paid ~OUTT to SSFT shareholders/bagholders? Actually paid, nott just announced "to be paid". And per share at the prior-to-RS basis. Gotta be deeeeeep subpenny on the pre-RS share basis. Like 4, 5, or 6 zeros after the decimal point deeep subpenny.
It appears to be ZERO, unless sumbuddy actually was paid cash deposited in their brokerage account or received a Czech that cleared DaBank.
SSFT was essentially a total wipe~OUTT for bagholders. Horrible pennyvestment in obvious AI poseurs. The Khanna fambly (Mike, Andy, et al.) made a bundle off this turd tho.
Re: DFLY post# 18672
Tuesday, February 08, 2022 11:17:27 AM
Collecting, accumulating, loading! E
Re: DFLY post# 8965
Friday, December 20, 2019 10:43:01 AM
Sonasoft so Sonastrong I’m Sonaserious!
"Going private, so a buyout should be the ultimate outcome"
Friday, June 09, 2023 9:59:26 AM
Private path has started, looking forward to whats next!
Sunday, June 07, 2020 8:32:12 PM
Yup, I guess the bullshit statements simply can’t explain why they continue to grow in revenues, continue to add large customers, multi billion dollar highly regulated FIS and government power entities, include SEC filings
Citing a specific time frame on a chart doesn’t begin to tell the narrative of this growth company
The most basic of dd proves such bs statements false unsupported crap
Re: stevo51 post# 9984
Friday, March 06, 2020 4:15:07 PM
Grabbing down here is simply amazing. Clearly SSFT has the goods, is creating bigger revenues from bigger names and bigger contracts.
Excited about the annual we will see in the next few weeks and all their other developments.
That new CFO is going to help accelerate what was already solid to big big BIG!
Moving along? LOLOL! Sonasoft is GONE. This is the company that now occupies the location of Sonasoft's former HQ:
Welcome to Gooseberry Designs
Our studio is dedicated to good design and beautifully made products. We specialize in stylish hand-drawn maps + illustrations. We believe that style + the environment go hand in hand.
It's Easy Being Green!
Shop online or in person at our studio, we would love to meet you:
We are celebrating the launch of our new location at:
987 University Avenue, Suite 14, Los Gatos, California (a very charming town!)
Brainless chump crazy bleef.
Thursday, August 05, 2021 1:17:38 PM
Just keep on accumulating, picked up a lot the past week it’s great! I’ll keep on picking up while this low.
Good times ahead $SSFT
Tuesday, August 24, 2021 10:27:59 AM
Just continuing to accumulate these low prices. These past few runs have been great and good money. One of these runs will be the run that never looks back. SAIBRE getting rolled out and contracts being inked. Millions in revenues already exist and quickly growing. $SSFT
Tuesday, August 31, 2021 10:37:46 AM
Don’t mind the accumulating times knowing SAIBRE is rolling out and brining in millions of dollars in revenues $SSFT
Tuesday, September 07, 2021 7:33:50 PM
Accumulating. $SSFT
Wednesday, September 08, 2021 5:16:20 PM
Key PRs coming, until then accumulating these low prices as i can!
Imo that first SAIBRE for $7 M min over 3 years will be on the small end compared to whats coming! $SSFT
Monday, September 13, 2021 6:10:23 PM
Continuing to accumulate at this lower pps. Looking forward to the next update! $SSFT
Friday, September 17, 2021 4:22:57 PM
Yup, why I continue to accumulate at these prices. Bring it! $SSFT
Wednesday, September 22, 2021 5:45:03 PM
And closed even higher! Happy to have been accumulating sevens! The contract revenues continue to grow the revenue Will increase by millions and millions and the stock will rise and never look back $SSFT
Thursday, September 23, 2021 4:26:59 PM
Still edging up! Some shenanigans in the day peeps flipping or whatevers but edging out a green! Lets keep it going!
I added today! $SSFT
Monday, September 27, 2021 4:35:06 PM
Still squeaked out a green! Undervalued $SSFT
Wednesday, September 29, 2021 11:26:40 AM
SAIBRE continues to roll out and the revenues continue to go up! Looking forward to the next update and I >b?continue to accumulate these low prices. $SSFT
Wednesday, October 06, 2021 11:46:23 AM
Very much so! SAIBRE rolling out, revenues rolling up! $SSFT
Tuesday, October 12, 2021 11:44:39 AM
Lets get it! Just keep on adding to the pile, little bit here little bit there. Overtime it adds up! Looking forward to the next ride up as SAIBRE keeps rolling out!
Thursday, October 28, 2021 10:31:13 AM
GM DFLY lets get it! Looking forward to the next update! $SSFT
Tuesday, November 02, 2021 10:51:32 PM
Friday, November 05, 2021 12:50:31 AM
Soaking it up is right! Accumulating! $SSFT
Tuesday, November 23, 2021 5:43:51 PM
Is fine, ill keep on collecting through end of the year for a nice Q1 run up just like last year, except much higher possibilities of a) being higher b) never coming back down.
SAIBRE continues to roll on out!
Tuesday, December 07, 2021 1:51:25 PM
Post# of 19228
Easy to accumulate as these low levels for a 2022 run $SSFT
Monday, December 27, 2021 12:07:05 PM
Accumulating Bullish $SSFT
SSFT = Artificial and Real Stupidity
ssft: Water in swirl is a thing>>>FLUSH!
Second letter has come, process is moving along!
Seems like a spot for more accumulating if one bleeves this nonsense.
That post sounds like total bullshit. Butt it is entertaining. Comedy gold.
It appears that bullshit is "a thing".
The real due diligence.
Made a ton of money on all the various runs it had over the years. Reloaded very nicely for the final big pay out in the private markets.
It is what it is at this point you were either in or out
Last post here for now it’s gonna be a while for the new merger to happen
Why I sold @ $.25>>>>DD! I did my due diligence!
Due diligence is a thing
GLAD I SOLD @ $.25! The "private path"? RIGHT!
Private path has started, looking forward to whats next!