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08/19/18 1:32 PM

#137987 RE: smarterer #137982

Smarter, you can say that again. Have a good friend whose husband is a physical therapist who had an office and my sister-in-law used to work for him in the office. Insurance companies would wait the 45 or 60 day limit, then tell them an i was not dotted and the clock would run again. He got tired of it eventually and now works for some entity and he does home pt.

My dad, many years ago, was visiting me in the States and had to have his gall bladder out. I kept getting bills for 2 years after the surgery.


08/20/18 2:54 PM

#138085 RE: smarterer #137982

the bigger challenge he faces is the myriad coding differences for the same procedure among different insurers and medicare/medicaid. Each has its own coding and criteria, and if you miscode payment will be delayed or denied altogether.

The reason for this is clear as day - they WANT the system to be difficult for doctors to wade through so they can avoid making payments over coding errors - it borders on being criminal as far as I'm concerned. But don't expect Congress to do anything about it, too much money to be had from big insurers and their lobbyists, so they won't kill the golden goose(s).