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10/25/06 10:15 AM

#5985 RE: trkyhntr #5984

''Whew'' ...... !!


10/25/06 10:25 AM

#5986 RE: trkyhntr #5984

from your answers, you appear about as conservative as teddy the swimmer.

I will come back later today and refute all your left-wing agreements. However, I can't leave without the FIRST in a line of corrections:

"the "left wing" supports same-sex marriage.

Why do you care what two consenting adults do? I could care less about whether two flamers want to get hitched. How's about doing something to save social security or do something to make our borders secure? To me this is a total non issue."

legalizing deviant behavior will cause YOU to pay for their self-inflicted life-long diseases....

"the "left wing" wants to teach masturbation to your kindergarten children.
Where the he11 do you get this stuff? I taught in the public schools for thirty years. What a crock."

Does the name Jocelyn Elders mean anything to you since you are such an astute historian? The Surgeon General under "ole blue-dress" actually proposed this. I guess you missed that?


10/25/06 10:59 AM

#5988 RE: trkyhntr #5984

Good Morning TH, 1- I'll decide when if anybody gets banned here, and while I disagree with you some of what you posted, I can't find anything even close to a banning matter in your post. Relax my good friend you are welcome here. In fact, the place wouldn’t be the same without you. I would love to post my feeing on this later if I get the time, for I too had some big disagreements on IAM’s post, but I have to run for now; school is taking all I have this term, and I'm attempting to step up to the plate.

Old School,



10/25/06 11:17 AM

#5989 RE: trkyhntr #5984


"the "left wing" wants to give constitutional rights to captured terrorists.

What is the difference between us and totalitarian regimes? It is that our citizens have rights. I tend to agree that we need to limit the rights of convicted criminals. This is not the same as what is being done in Gitmo, is it?"

I think you missed your own point, these are terrorists, not necessarily U.S. citizens and you think they should be afforded the same rights as U.S. citizens?

"the "left wing" supports same-sex marriage.

Why do you care what two consenting adults do? I could care less about whether two flamers want to get hitched. How's about doing something to save social security or do something to make our borders secure? To me this is a total non issue."

I view the whole idea of marriage as something having to do with raising children, not what people do behind closed doors, so I really don't see your point on this since obviously same-sex couples can't reproduce (Yet) and they are gonna do sexually whatever they do now and being married will not change that. Actually the whole idea of benefits for married couples should be changed in my viewpoint, which I believe is one of the motivators for same sex marriages.


10/25/06 7:31 PM

#6002 RE: trkyhntr #5984

This is one of your finer posts, th.

You're welcome here any time.

One of the things I don't discuss on this board is abortion because I am rabidly in favor of a woman's right to choose. If abortion is banned, the rich and upper middle class women will still have clean access to it just as they did in the old days... remember the good old "D&C to regulate periods".

The poor and desperate will resort to the back alley butchers. A girlfriend of mine almost died as a result of one of those procedures when she was in college. The cat who performed it greeted her wearing a ski mask so she couldn't identify him. Can you imagine her desperation to go through with it?

Yes, life is sacred. And that includes the life of the mother.

Men can walk away from an indiscretion and an oopsy. Women cannot.

To women: if you're against abortion, don't have one.
To men: be very careful where you plant your seed if you are anti-abortion.

We're all going to meet our maker eventually. My guess is that God is far more forgiving than our fellow human beings are.

Personally, I believe in a pound of prevention...

Now I'll probably be banned from here as well.



10/28/06 9:05 AM

#6057 RE: trkyhntr #5984

Great Post TH! :-)


10/28/06 5:26 PM

#6083 RE: trkyhntr #5984

>Save me from more tax cuts. Every tax cut we have had increased what I pay. They reduced the rates and then eliminated the deductions.<

The dividend and capital-gains cuts in 2003 really and truly benefited investors.