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10/25/06 10:43 PM

#6004 RE: ksquared #6002

Nah I don't think so K there are many here who would agree with you... It is more of a civility thing here (I think) than anything...
Respecting others opinions...


10/26/06 7:58 AM

#6006 RE: ksquared #6002

Nevah! GM K, I read your post with much interest and albeit I disagree with your stance on abortion, I wholeheartedly agree with "if you're against abortion, don't have one." There is nothing wrong with disagreeing and no way would anyone ban you for your beliefs. Nevah, nevah, nevah!! ;)

With that'll be happy to hear I won't be bichen 'bout our lack of rain for awhile as we're going into our second day with soft, light rainfall not the heavy pounding gully-washer we had last time. All in all, I don't have anything to gripe about this morning. I am a happy camper.

Do you realize how unusual that is, Jersey Lily? I mean I'm usually the worst grouch especially when I get up this early. I've never been a morning person so I stay up late but do try to get at least 7 or 8 hours of sleep...(such is not the case today for a couple of reasons). I'll probably be a bear all day now so those cotton pickin' libs better not mess with me!! >gg<


Hope you have a good day at work, K....


10/28/06 11:52 AM

#6065 RE: ksquared #6002

HARR!!! Sorry, we will not let you ban yourself. :-)