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07/25/18 12:38 AM

#134630 RE: rosemountbomber #134626

Rose , thats excellent ( or close to it )
Re HDL at 46 ...its over 40 so no big deal ..... and more associated with rather then causative ...unless very low (mine has never been over 40 ) combined with high TG's ( over 200 ).

If you have an iPhone ..down load the walking ap ...just see how many steps you can walk in a day ...10,000 is optimal .
If you have no family history of CV events ...I'd say that you are at very low risk wether you take EPA or not...but you could always do one of Dr Sears EPA/AA blood tests just to see what your levels are.

Sounds like your biggest issue is to watch your BP.

Wonder how Nuke compares

AND I really wonder how HDG compares ...being on that high red meat and fat Hungarian diet !
