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06/22/18 2:00 PM

#13932 RE: r clarke #13930

Im about out of posts for the day. Why does all your info come from seeking alpha. They have always hated tesla and musk. Look, i dont mind you dont like tesla. Is your choice. I saw where martin tripp said musk lied about making 2000 cars a week. He said it was only 1900. Hes bitching about 100 cars. If musk misses his 5000 target and only makes 4500. I will still be a happy camper. If the semi doesnt get out till 2020 im still happy. I just need to see progress. That is being accomplished. Give me the pps 5 years from now. All im interested in. If the pps comes down ill buy more. Im a believer


06/22/18 2:06 PM

#13933 RE: r clarke #13930

down $30 in two days. what a POS

sub $300 soon