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06/10/18 8:07 PM

#146445 RE: ZorbaX #146393

"I would bet money at this point that we see the PPS at its 52 week low before the audit and uplist are completed."

And no audit or uplist will ever happen, so that's a 100 percent safe bet. If you can find anybuddy who will be the counterparty to that bet, lemme know because I'd make that same bet as you.

One of the funniest things is the reverse merger of a snow plowing company into the shell that became AMFE - a whole seven (7) pickups with plowblades. LOLOL!!! Tracing back the history of this clownshow and Roger the Audit Dodger is funny as heck.

Honestly, of all the reverse mergers I've seen in pennyscam turdstockland, a seven-pickup truck driveway snowplowing gig is the funniest RM I've ever seen. And that includes the ones where the entity being reverse merged into a shell was a racehorse than couldn't win races and the business claimed was the breeding rights of this losing horse - butt at least that group was honest enuff to designate the company as a shell company and as a non-seasoned issuer in the 10-Ks. That company, which now has been CONverted into the company I mentioned that has been promising audits that were 'only a few days away' years ago and has had a real business with licensed content from Paramount and an exclusive run of Interstellar and is run by a CONvicted Federal felon for multiple counts of financial fraud and just got ~OUTT of prison in the last 18 months and which is a total SCAM, was called the Aldar Group, and that entity has nott had any audits completed since 2009, despite thousands of promises, excuses, and auditor changes. A company that claims to have been and be profitable all that time. An utter scam - butt a real business used as a prop.

But the old predecessor company, Aldar Group, using a horse and the breeding of this failed racehorse as the basis for a pubic company - hilarious.

I thought that was the funniest RM, butt the AMFE reverse merger of a joke driveway plowing company beats that.

WHO and WHY wood anybuddy think a seven pickup driveway snow plowing company should ever be the basis for a reverse merger into a publicly traded shell? Even as a starter for a pennyscam! LOLOL!!!

The history of Roger and this obvious scam is too/2/to/II/two funny!

Audits? Y'aint never gonna see no audits from this here Roger. Zero chance of that.

Butt if you need your driveway plowed and you live no further ~OUTT than Mississauga (which has some fine strip clubs, BTW - far better than the old Zan-Z-Bar on Younge Street used to be - I saw Busty Belle there in the mid-80s) - well then give Roger a call and he can send one of those RM'ed seven pickup trucks with a blade ~OUTT to plow yer driveway!

To COMPLETE an audit wood require Roger to explain and document where all the munny was spent ... and that simply ain't gonna happen. The ole "the dog ate all the receipts" just won't fly.

AMFE reminds me of a well-known pennyscam which sold soap-infused sponges - they got great reviews - even Walgreens took some for their shelves. Except the CEO and CFO looted the company ... it was all bleevers and blue sky ... until the audits and financials became late ... and excuses and excuses were given ... the final excuse was "the SEC has to flyspeck the 10-K before it is published on EDGAR - which was a total lie as the SEC doesn't approve 10-Ks ... lies and excuses ... audit just days away and the 10-K filed ... right up until the CEO and CFO were arrested by the FBI at 5AM one morning and the SEC filed a civil case and the DOJ obtained a grand jury indictment that was unsealed the same day.

Butt at least selling pre-soaped sponges was a legitimate, respectable business for a publicly-traded company. But a publicly-traded snow plowing biz with seven rusty pickup trucks with blades? Now that's a joke. No legit person would RM that into a public shell - well, unless they were a conman, that is.

"Hay man, we gotta have something to RM into this shell we wanna use for pennyscamming. What can we use? Hay, I know, let's take the truck public!