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06/01/18 2:24 PM

#175447 RE: jon_k84 #175440

jonk84, BRAVO nicely said, welcome to the MB. I agree this is a long term HOLD just like APPLE. Think of the shorts that shorted apple? NWBO to the MOON!
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06/01/18 2:45 PM

#175452 RE: jon_k84 #175440

Very well put Jon.
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06/01/18 2:46 PM

#175453 RE: jon_k84 #175440

Nice write up Jon.

Pretty well agree with you except on LP's motivation.
Big Pharma and most investors expected her to do what most early stage bio's have to do, which is sell up and pocket the money as reward for their early scientific development.
BP rely on scientific innovation by others and then just get the chequebook out.
LP could have sold out two years when her personal stock was valued at something like $50million. Who needs more than that?

We know she has been affected by several members of her close family falling victim to cancer.

What she wants is to leave a legacy. That doesn't mean I don't think she will never relinquish control. But I imagine she wants to see L and Direct firmly established as the SOC for solid cancers around the world, and the company firmly established as the world leader.

Then, she will take a back seat.

She is single-minded and means what she says.
Go big or go home.
There's risk there, because there is no safety net.
Some sort of partnership might be on the cards however.
I think she would rather take venture capital from the people who funded the Cognate deal, than sell out to BP.

Everything you say about the critical importance of staying blind to reap the maximum possible stat power from the long tail, I've been saying for months.
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j e d

06/01/18 2:47 PM

#175454 RE: jon_k84 #175440

well said! definitely work on trying to get a similar write-up published somewhere more visible. it would make a difference.
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06/01/18 2:52 PM

#175457 RE: jon_k84 #175440

You’re right in every assessment of this company. We’re with you...sink or sail.
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06/01/18 2:54 PM

#175458 RE: jon_k84 #175440

jon_k84 ManyThanks for all of your effort. I agree and the risk could very rewarding.
Best to you.
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06/01/18 3:26 PM

#175463 RE: jon_k84 #175440

Thanks Jon - Nice post.
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06/01/18 3:33 PM

#175465 RE: jon_k84 #175440

Great post! Agree 100%!
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06/01/18 3:40 PM

#175467 RE: jon_k84 #175440

jon nice post. But I think we will see triple digit share price within the next 2-3 years or sooner. When all the data is unblinded BP's are going to fall over themselves to eat this company up. I don't think LP will have a choice but to sell the company for a huge amount.
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06/01/18 4:14 PM

#175474 RE: jon_k84 #175440

Thank you for the time and thought you put into this.
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06/01/18 4:21 PM

#175479 RE: jon_k84 #175440

Excellent post and welcome!
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06/01/18 5:11 PM

#175483 RE: jon_k84 #175440

“The lady doth protest too much, methinks”. Queen Gertrude in Hamlet
That Shakespeare was a good writer!
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06/01/18 5:16 PM

#175485 RE: jon_k84 #175440

Wow. Great post. Thank you.
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06/01/18 5:25 PM

#175490 RE: jon_k84 #175440

Totally agree
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06/01/18 8:28 PM

#175512 RE: jon_k84 #175440

Jon, great post, pretty much sums it up. I invested a placeholder in this and other's when Dendreon was approved. It took a while but I learned not all DC vaccines are the same. I have taken chemo and wish I had different option. If given one I would have chose a path with the least amount of collateral damage that worked. I was happy to find a friend of mines parent was in the VAXL trial several years later. When you talk about social media, here is what I get to see, every 3 months a clean MRI and praise of the doctors and dcvax. What I don't see is the so and so is not feeling well this week because of the drug, it sucks that this chemo works but makes them so sick. The QOL is amazing. It's almost as if it never happened. Like walking away from a horrible crash with a few broken bones but for the most part unscathed. How do you put a dollar figure on being around for your 3rd, 4th and 5th grandkids?
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06/01/18 9:10 PM

#175519 RE: jon_k84 #175440

just to simply prove the wolfpack point on how they attack, longs remember MD Anderson's grilling of NWBO when Dr. Subbiah revealed data that can be revealed? what a mess they created back then.

even large cancer centers are in cahoots with BP and involve media, hedge funds, and local flyby posters as well.

Common sense dictates, there is real threat and vested interest of all these entities for them to bother with small company like NWBO. why would anyone care otherwise? there are 100's of companies in various stages and I dont hear anyone like this going after this hard. Longs although got diluted, have hung around with faith in science that is going to be a big shaft up these criminals.

they have won all battles, we will win this war!
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06/01/18 9:38 PM

#175524 RE: jon_k84 #175440

jon k84,

Thx for sharing your perspective. Though I don't know your level of experience nor insight I have to say I absolutely share what you have laid out in such direct and simple terms.

I have stated several times that AF is a fraud. He knows less about biotech than many on this board and that there are many here who could do his dreadful job so much better than he but who would in their right mind want that job.

Thanks again and good luck to all. And, once again it was a pleasure to get to meet some of the faithful investors at the last meeting in April. I don't know if the fellow from Canada reads this board but if he does thank you for sharing your work and for the discussion after the meeting. I was the person who sat next to you on your left. I was the person who asked LP where she goes from here if the data is close. Would she consider another data round in the fall. Her response led me to believe they are there now.

jon, good luck to you and to all here who have sought the truth.
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Doc logic

06/02/18 12:48 AM

#175543 RE: jon_k84 #175440


Welcome and congratulations on a well thought out post. I just want to reaffirm Longfellow's assessment of Linda Powers motivation which is legacy not money. She has made money along the way and this has given her the option to finance NWBO when shares were cheap to pick up which helps her maintain control of this company. The sale was set up to go to friendlies and was done at a time when NWBO itself was at an apparently vulnerable point. NWBO will be a case study in how to take a development stage biotech with game changing science through the gauntlet and "to the house".

As for Direct, there will not be any long term use of this product in my opinion. The mouse models saw complete clearing of tumors in 4 weeks. With improvements made to Direct since Phase 1 was completed and several key changes to the treatment schedule and desirable dosing as well as expected adjuvent use and multiple tumors injected, results should be seen in 8 weeks or less. Longer term followup will be done but I believe Right To Try and a model potentially being developed for use in immunotherapy trials will set the stage for early proof of efficacy in the next Direct trial. Best wishes.
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06/03/18 12:27 AM

#175708 RE: jon_k84 #175440
