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04/19/18 5:18 PM

#114561 RE: dloggold #114559

Blackburn was convicted of tax evasion I think, he served his time and and paid his debts to society

But for the Narrative of Hedges and their Baboons he is an easy target because of his past.

It was never proven he flew drugs and guns for the Contras

It was never proven he stole $ 450K from a naive and uneducated investor. The victim refused to testify. Next !!!!

The SEC have not proven their case he is guilty of any crime's

ICE Agents even said the US Attorney will not file charges against RB and that is the only way to stop a Career Criminal like him. Even they had him guilty before he could defend himself.


04/19/18 9:29 PM

#114569 RE: dloggold #114559

LOL! Still trying to defend the boss after all that tough talk???

If I ever met Blackburn I'd pop him one- not a beer either

Split personality!


04/19/18 9:38 PM

#114570 RE: dloggold #114559

You got the facts wrong again... The SEC says that Ron Blackurn is a convitied felon twice. That's 2 times.

Comprehension REALLY does count.


Buyer Beware
Red Flags Galore...
Ron Blackburn AND current "BOD" Scam
Soon To Be Revoked

Grey Market
