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04/15/18 2:51 PM

#147530 RE: McMagyar #147528

I agree....either Rett or some other big news....Missling need to give investors something before the ASM otherwise all the questions will be "why havent the 3 trials etc etc"


04/15/18 3:09 PM

#147531 RE: McMagyar #147528

Agree McMagyar. Too much contrived negative posts at the threshold of news, to me, indicates something is up. The cabal has been working hard.


04/15/18 4:13 PM

#147538 RE: McMagyar #147528

Anavex certainly does not have >$25M 4 months after
financials indicate $27M.

Explain the theory that ANY CEO would announce
a trial start the week before the chief benefactor
for his pending trial is scheduled to share the stage
at the Orphan Conference?

Some day / Some way the reality that there are
contrarian opinions about Anavex not attributed to
some unholy malevolent Cabal will be confirmed.


04/15/18 6:12 PM

#147546 RE: McMagyar #147528

“WE ALL deserve A2-73 if we want it.”

No. That is not how it works. What we deserve are rigorous clinical trials with data that the FDA finds compelling and approvable. Anything less is a disservice to all Americans who depend on prescription medications for improved health. If we destroy trust in the system by making unproven drugs available willy nilly to desperate patients, we will all be worse off. People can trust that the drugs they take are safe and effective (for most people most of the time) because we have rigorous standards with a very high bar. That may be frustrating for many, and there will always be patients who don’t live long enough to enjoy the benefits of a new drug, but that is the way it is. All of us want effective new treatments for Alzheimer’s. New treatments cannot come soon enough. But lowering the standards for approval serves no one’s interests (not even the drug manufactures). A2-73 may someday prove effective but we’re a very long way from knowing that. Wishing it so does not make it so.