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7777 oath keeper

03/10/18 11:07 PM

#133973 RE: Beandog #133883

Thanks Beandog!


03/11/18 12:25 AM

#133988 RE: Beandog #133883

I agree with you Mr. Beandog about cutting off the communication. It would drive me crazy if 2,000+ people contacted me every day sometimes twice a day asking what was going on... pissing and moaning.
I have a feeling like all of us they have other things in the fire and not every second is spent on this..
Thanks for the updates.... You have become this boards lifeline to the news.
The symbol change will happen in its time not ours.
The stock will increase in its time not ours.
News will come out when it is ready to come out. Not when we say it should.
For those that think they can do a better job, Start up a company and put millions of your dollars into it and see how you do...
We will profit from the work of others not ours.
We will pat ourselves on the backs for being great investors yet we got lucky.... That's it.
Trading stock in the OTC casino is risky.
Finding a winner for the long term is near impossible.
I am sure many others have far more than $51,800 US invested here. (thats what I have so far)
We piss away $1 on a lottery ticket and throw it in the 7-11 garbage can. We usually don't whine to the lottery commission as to why we didn't get the results we DEMANDED.
For the love of God chill out or get out.
Project positive and believe it in your soul and positive results happen. Its a universal law.
Grab some tissues if you have issues and with that,
good night ANDI/UTOP board.
Ian AKA: MrRhino