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02/21/18 11:20 AM

#29708 RE: tedpeele #29707

The feature I like is you can many clickable points, anywhere, anytime on the screen to redirect you to other links, imbedded screens, pull outs, etc. Depending on the application, pre-recorded training class; homework, charts, graphs, sub videos of examples, online links, real time redirects, test, reinforcement sub pages.


02/21/18 11:29 AM

#29712 RE: tedpeele #29707

great question and good discussion to have...

At first, for me, the most appealing feature was more the broad disruptive aspect of notifiCRM in general. The change from the norm, if you will. As Rory has stated hundreds of times, engaging people at peak moments is crucial. The fact that we not only track but actually sell is big for me.

With that said, as time has passed, I've become even more intrigued with 2 new features and pieces of technology nFusz is working on......

FIRST, the walkout technology. This to me is a game changer for online advertising. Yes, we all see the facebook ads and other banners that populate every website today. We click on them and they take us to that company or products site. I'd love to be able to click on that ad and see a spokesperson for that company/product walk right across my screen. We've seen the walkouts on nFusz's website, etc., but I think to see this integrated into advertising is something that can completely change online advertising. Maybe not even having to click?? You go to a site and within so many seconds the walkout just comes out to advertise a product.

SECOND, the notifiID feature is really getting my attention. Again, disruptive and something different from the norm of being taken to a webpage to view someone's resume, history, etc. If you want to standout to people, create a video and walk out on their screen to really show who you are, to me this is bold and disruptive. LinkedIN is so big and popular that replacing them is nearly impossible (such as Salesforce, Oracle, Microsoft, etc.). BUT, in my opinion, Rory will try to integrate this feature with companies like LinkedIN just as we are doing with the large CRM companies. LinkedIN is free to join, great...but for a small monthly charge, get access to notifiID and STANDOUT among your piers. I think there is some big revenue potential if these connections can happen.


02/21/18 12:15 PM

#29725 RE: tedpeele #29707

TEDPEELE ...VERY GOOD OBSERVATIONS + RESULTANT QUESTION...xcuse the caps...please share the answers you get...should be fascinating !


02/21/18 12:47 PM

#29740 RE: tedpeele #29707

I don't use the software but the one feature that I think is the most important of them all, as shown in this FB tutorial, is the instant feedback you get from the video. You know who watched, how long and what buttons they pushed. This means, to me at least, you don't have to waste time of cold calling which means less cost to you. So this narrows it down to you only have to follow up or contact those that showed interest. You don't have to waste time and money on those who are not interested.


02/21/18 2:46 PM

#29757 RE: tedpeele #29707

Here's my personal thoughts:

Simple to create. Simple to view. Simple to share. "Easy of use" is a winner every time when it comes to software. Especially CRM that the number one complaint is it's too difficult, takes too much time and doesn't add value for the salesperson. Walkouts are not new, but it sure used to be a lot harder to do them until now.

We all have seen a lot of videos. The good, the bad and the ugly. Unless it's a video that is more of a TV commercial it's hard to capture someone's attention. If it was easy, companies wouldn't spend billions of dollars on brand engagement. You are more likely to engage someone who is almost fully standing in front of you with nothing distracting vs. a traditional video. I almost think of most videos as 2D and this has a 3D feel to it.

No more click the link at the bottom of this web page when the video is done messages. You are interacting with your potential customers at any point in the video. Compare the bounce rates of a customer using a nFusz video vs. not and I bet they are a lot lower. You have the CTA buttons right in the video.

Cross Industry:
Some products are geared towards certain segments of the market. The first thing a lot of people say when they see this product is: "Oh, it would be great using this _______. Fill in the blank as so many industries and applications have been suggested.

Cross Platform:
Works on your PC, laptop, mobile device, iPhone, etc. None if this, sorry it only works in IE version #.#.# but we are going to port it to your device this Summer so it should work for you're company then.

Mass Appeal:
The companies sales strategy is brilliant in my opinion. Rather than go after sales with one company at a time, they are going after million of users at a time. The potential to grow and grow quickly is exponential rather than linear

Sells Itself:
The product doesn't need a sales person to have a one hour meeting with a client to show them the product. Send of link and people get it right away.

Sets a New Standard:
If I'm watching a video, I'd much prefer to see the full view of someone. Read their body language, expression, how they carry themselves, etc. especially if I'm listening to a sales pitch. Will this become the new normal, I don't know, but everyone that sees it loves it.

nFusz made an important change last fall and that was to leverage youtube for video storage. Not only does that remove a lot of cost for the company and increases margins it allows them to scale more rapidly.

Cost of Entry
It's $10/mo. Look at what the average Salesforce deal is or some of these other behemoth systems. nFusz could have priced it a lot higher, but are going with the volume, mass adoption approach.

Take a look at what they are doing for uBid. That is quite an extension of the platform in a unique way.

If I'm a big corp looking to buy a product, I'm always thinking about the bottomline. Is this product going to increase sales or cut cost are the two questions I'm most interested in.

Well both. You are going to engage your customers better which will have higher sales closure rates with lower acquisition cost. Does your salesforce need to get on the plane every time someone is interested in your product? Do you even need the same size sells force if your videos are doing some of the selling for you. This can drive more leads that end in deals.

The proof is in the pudding as they say. Rory just said the retention rates are 98%. That is remarkable considering they are going after millions of customers and you would think some would just try it for just a month with not much to lose. Must be working and adding value.


02/21/18 3:34 PM

#29781 RE: tedpeele #29707

A professional's opinion on notify and why she thinks it will disrupt the CRM industry

Juice Plus’ Qualifying National Marketing Director Denise Webster shares her professional opinion on notifi, why she thinks it will disrupt the CRM industry and encourages network marketers to adopt our interactive technology


02/21/18 3:50 PM

#29796 RE: tedpeele #29707

Wow redspeed, that was a great response. Thank you very much - you just got yourself a sticky.

You said one thing I didn't quite get:

<<nFusz made an important change last fall and that was to leverage youtube for video storage. Not only does that remove a lot of cost for the company and increases margins it allows them to scale more rapidly.>>

Can you explain that? What does it mean to leverage youtube for video storage?