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01/09/18 1:28 PM

#338 RE: Scotttrader80 #337

I would agree the insider buys seem like a good thing! This thing went X 7 trading days ago and we are now down 4 months.

Tomorrows Pay day is meaning less it won't even cover todays loss.

We have the Market busting new highs every day and this goes down every day now for how long? What's going happen when the market turns south?

A stock paying out 18% doesn't continually drop in price if things are going good this has all the makings of a divvy cut.

We'll know soon enough the problem is it will be too late we'll be trapped.

Since this is the first month it could happen? Hope they announce the standard .14 or we be in a real pile of shit here!

Not getting any warm and fuzzies at the moment....