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King Bolaba

01/08/18 12:28 PM

#131029 RE: rayovac812 #131026

Well stated rayo. Especially your questions regarding DS. I’m wondering if DS may become our new mass-market line as we look forward to future announcements of silks that are even more specific to future military needs.
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01/08/18 12:29 PM

#131031 RE: rayovac812 #131026

"Apparently the Army does not want us to publicize those numbers. So now the Army is our now running the company in more ways than one."

Exactly correct, Rayo, and thus the silence. I know investors look at "silence" as code word for nothing good. They see silence as 1. nothing is happening. 2. The company is just kicking the can further down the road. 3. The shoot packs are not good enough, etc. 4. The company is just being elusive. 5. The company is covering up something.

Silence allows the mind to think and analyze the situation, and when this occurs, the mind is strong enough to take us to the negative side of things. It is human nature.
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01/08/18 12:32 PM

#131033 RE: rayovac812 #131026

That was one of your best posts ever, Rayo! Good job.....
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01/08/18 12:47 PM

#131035 RE: rayovac812 #131026

rayo - 100% AGREE. If KBLB is indeed now operating under a CRADA, it could be quite some time before any significant military uses for fibers from KBLB's catalogue are developed into large DOD contracts involving Warwick Mills - IMO. Basically, Army Natick Labs has replaced UND labs which puts recent KBLB lab development events in Q3 & Q4 2017 into a better/different perspective.

Cooperative R&D Agreements

A Cooperative Research and Development Agreement(CRADA) is a written agreement between one or more federal laboratories and one or more non-federal parties under which the government, through its laboratories, provides personnel, facilities, equipment or other resources with or without reimbursement (but not funds to non-federal parties). The non-federal parties provide personnel, funds, services, facilities, equipment or other resources to conduct specific research or development efforts that are consistent with the mission of the laboratory.

CRADAs are authorized by 15 U.S.C. 3710a. The governing regulation is AR 70-57, Military-Civilian Technology Transfer, dated 26 February 2004.
When a CRADA is Appropriate

CRADAs provide an easy way to collaborate with ARL. CRADAs allow ARL researchers to exchange technical expertise with non-federal partners, and to accept reimbursement for research conducted under the CRADA. CRADAs also protect a researcher's rights and those of ARL to inventions the researcher may make. CRADAs are appropriate when ideas, staff, materials, and equipment are to be exchanged over a period of time for the purpose of collaboration and/or an invention may result. Funds may be provided to ARL under a CRADA.
Who May Participate in CRADAs

CRADAs must involve at least one non-federal party. In addition to ARL scientists, the other participants in a CRADA may be one or more of the following:

Private corporations (U.S. or foreign)
Nonprofit and not-for-profit institutions (U.S. or foreign)
State and local governments (U.S.)
Other federal agencies (U.S.)

Best regards - yankee
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01/08/18 1:08 PM

#131041 RE: rayovac812 #131026

Ray this is the confusion I suggested the board has.
I agree with your post but there are some things stated that do not make sense to me.
This is the situation as I see it. Maybe you can help me out...
We had a contract for shootpacks.

Shootpacks were delayed.

We sent fibers to test in the mean time.

Fibers were good enough to award more cash, but not quite the specs they want.

We begin creation of custom fibers.

DS sent to reelers.

That is where we stood till today.
Now the army awards more money.
We don't really know why.

So first question is...
If they want a fiber better than DS why would we continue production of shootpacks made with a fiber we know will not meet the standards?

IMO we wouldnt. But...

Kim stated they would ship the shootpacks in December.

So did we ship shootpacks or not?
And if not why?
Because they don't want them made of DS or because they don't have them complete?

If they don't want DS packs are we going to still make them if we can make the fiber they want?

Did the company supply them with an improved fiber to trigger the payment?

I have a feeling that the improvements and properties of the fiber they want will always remain confidential.
Do you think that with the contract expansion that Kim is now restricted on publishing contract information like dates and properties?

That is the only explaination I can see for not telling us the shootpacks shipped if they have.

We were told december. If we were to trust Kim we must assume they shipped. We may never hear about them again if Kim is bound by silence.
We may still hear a pass or fail from them after any testing is done.
But I would expect a fail if they requested a better performance already.

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01/08/18 2:01 PM

#131045 RE: rayovac812 #131026

"But I am not investing to make money for research."

you certainly have for the last 7 yrs..

"This is a private endeavor that requires profits so we can accomplish our goals, not the Army's."

the army is a way to make profits..for better or worse, they are now funding kblb's operations..our goals are the army's goals..
if kim ever decides to get financing, things can change..

but hey..frugality..dont you still love it so much?..