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01/04/18 10:05 PM

#88362 RE: Acheron #88358

Sorry, I meant people in general are spastic about politics. I didn't mean you specifically. I am not Republican or Democratic, I am common sense. I voted Trump. Zero chance I would vote for crooked Hillary. Unprofessional or not, those tweets will have no affect on tge company.


01/04/18 10:21 PM

#88382 RE: Acheron #88358

Cuz it affects some of the product he sells and what he worked so hard on? Some people (like my self) are here only for the great MJ product he offers so i'm pretty upset when the government messes with a perfectly fine sector and compare it to heroin. Why wouldn't you be upset?


01/04/18 10:24 PM

#88387 RE: Acheron #88358

Ok well fair enough but it does affect business. All MJs. Affected us here today clearly pps wise and all MJs today when this occured. Sure AMFE isnt soley MJ but still affects all the MJ investment and business communities! Check the MJ list of stocks just today too. Sessions is trying to dictate the future of MJ and shut down the industry single handedly. I think its great Amfil is not scared to speak up to the atrocity that is Sessions MJ stance. Great that they are passionate about this imo and letting the voters and the states make the decisions! AMFE POWER TO THE PEOPLE! Sessions wont win the MJ war, maybe a few battles thats it!!


01/04/18 10:27 PM

#88392 RE: Acheron #88358

Politics is fickle... A subjects where people that agree, can strongly disagree at the same time. lol

Being a little controversial sure didn't hurt the president. It helped him grow his following and made his standout in the primaries. He used controversy to help himself... Nowadays, the MOST popular person tends to win, not always the best person...

Other companies, politicians, writers, athletes, etc, etc, etc fight for their self interests on social media, why not AMFE?... Maybe some new followers are looking at the stock tonight and seeing all the great accomplishments.

The MAJORITY opinion on this subject is in support of MJ, not Sessions... Even fiscal, states rights, personal responsibility conservatives that see no need for the government to tell others what they can and cant do with their own body... along with moderates and Libertarians

We have spent billions fighting a MJ war they cant win. It can be grown anywhere. Doctors prescribe drugs everyday that are far worse. Many Vets would rather smoke MJ to deal with their issues than the other stuff the doctor gives them, which has nasty/life altering side effects... I say give them whatever they want, after all they have sacrificed!

I think its a worthy topic for people to speak out again. As many people as possible.