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12/05/17 5:21 PM

#133006 RE: Pineapple1 #133005

Any disease that seems to involve Sigma 1 receptors and lack of homeostasis would seem to be a candidate for at least experimenting with our little 273 gem.

Just get the trial started, and get one approval...then the experiments on other diseases can begin.


12/05/17 6:24 PM

#133013 RE: Pineapple1 #133005

Beyond Just Neurons

Maybe another disease outside of CNS that Anavex 2-73 or 3-71 could reverse?

This is not a topic any of the Anavex principals dare even speak of. SEC regulators would jump on any company person making even the slightest claim that Anavex sigma-1 receptors might have wide, expansive applications for a multitude of diseases or conditions, in a diversity of cells, tissues, or organs just yet.

Missling, with his tangential “tip of the ice burg” comment was balancing on the tip of a regulatory deep hole. Dare not go there, implying or intimating truthful but "unproven" things that could affect the share price.

But, nonetheless, could the Anavex technology be far bigger than understood by The Street (retail equity investors), or by others not versed or competent in understanding cellular biology and chemistry? I have training and professional understandings of those topics equivalent to any life science graduate student (if not most PhDs). The answer is, yes.

Yes, sigma-1 receptor sites are known to exist in neurons, on mitochondria. The company freely claims this. There, in the neuron, Anavex 2-73 is able to cause disconnected mitochondria to re-attach to and usefully re-function with adjacent endoplasmic reticula. With this, normal cell function is restored. Inasmuch as most central nervous system diseases involve the mitochondrial dysfunction the Anavex drug restores, it has the potential to effectively treat a number of CNS diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and others.

Look at the mitochondrial diseases here:

But sigma-receptors are found in many different tissue types, not just nerves or neurons. There are published indications they affect cardiovascular functions.

Yes, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s may well be only the exposed tips of the entire Anavex ice burg. Anavex molecules very likely restore or maintain normal feedback and response interactions (homeostasis) within a host of cells and organs. The Anavex pipeline page ( tells of applications for a number of diseases and conditions. Those listed appear to be the only ones the company presently has strong murine (animal) data on. In more hidden, back of the building labs we can presume that grad students and post-docs are treating any number of rats and mice for a multitude of other diseases and conditions.

In short, the chemical and structural anomalies Anavex 2-73 fixes in neurons exist in other diseases and tissues. Is but a matter of discovering those applications. Such work is surely being done. No need or purpose to pre-maturely announce any of that. Too speculative for SEC rules and Anavex critics. Just do the work. When the time is right, announce new human trials with new Anavex drugs. Complete development of the Anavex technologies will be wide and deep.

Ponder the implications of successful treatment of depression, stroke, pain, and cancer, listed as viable Anavex pipeline targets. Most likely, many more will emerge as murine research continues. The Anavex molecules are an entirely new class of drugs, with yet unknown applications --- probably bigger than antibiotics of the last century. They attacked and solved bacterial infections, one broad class of diseases. Anavex may, in time, uniquely treat a wide diversity of diseases and conditions. New molecules. New science. New medicine. All in continuing development and discovery.

[And, I make no mention of the gigantic potential veterinary applications of Anavex molecules, perhaps supplementing or replacing antibiotics, growth hormones, and other drugs used in animal husbandry.]