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11/27/17 1:19 PM

#131949 RE: williamssc #131948

Assuming BIIB would have been interested but after 15 months of testing on MS they went with another compnay


11/27/17 1:22 PM

#131950 RE: williamssc #131948

Disaster? Hardly. Not for just the one indication. If avxl had gotten a deal where they received 28mm upfront (50mm total for the year); trial costs paid for; 200mm total cash; and royalties.

For the one MS indication.

Avxl would be trading at $6.00 right now and going higher.


11/27/17 1:27 PM

#131952 RE: williamssc #131948

Any big deal would be validation of the science. Once a BP signs on for any indication, the market's view of 273's effectiveness for all indications would climb dramatically. A big deal and we could be $10 by January.

LOve to see $100-200m up front, $500m total for MS. Wayne State data was independent scientific confirmation 273 works for remylination. C'mon Dr. Missling, get it done now for an early Christmas present.


11/27/17 3:56 PM

#132002 RE: williamssc #131948

How so do some math...

Only 200mm with 28mm upfront is a weak deal and would have been a disaster for this company.

$200 Million / 43 million shares = $4.65/share total contract value is not a disaster for the impatient retail folk.

AVXL is worth WAY more...IF the stuff works.