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08/26/03 1:42 PM

#7771 RE: orda #7753

Orda, I agree. And I think that the continual coverage of Wave as some type of cult following by a bunch of brainwashed wavoids shows there true lack of understanding. The continued critizism of the shareholders wreaks of jealousy and elitism. How about learing the technology and evaluate that on its merits instead of the worn out story of some loyal shareholders. Besides, what does the devotion of shareholders have to do with Wave's business and their future?

Even the Red Sox have to win sometime!

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08/26/03 1:47 PM

#7774 RE: orda #7753

"You have to question that," says Saint Louis University's Fisher. "The promise of a long-term bonanza can cover a lot of short-term shenanigans."

Orda the fact is that this Fisher guy isn't a wavoid. The Sprague apologist story does not play well with the rest of the world.

especially in the post-Sarbannes-Oxley-Enron-World Com-Martha world.

Years of Sprague-apalooza has a price that greatly exceeds what is past & this piece is just a small sampling. can only sweep so much under the rug before the rug gets a little lumpy. the only way to extricate itself from that is for Wave to turn the lumpy rug into Aladdin's Carpet.

if they execute, the checkered history becomes a dot in the rear view mirror. if they don't, the rest of the world will quoteTrance & saying "the fish rots from the head." i know 'voids don't like that sorta message being bantered about but that's part of the reality that IS priced in @ $3.

Wave's credibility has to be completely rebuilt from the ground up & there is only one way to do it @ this time:



PS Gilder won't even talk about paradigm-shift prospects anymore b/c of class action risk (one that exists now b/c of $5 bagholders that bought shares from Feeney). Alger talks about 'em like Wave is a crazy ex-girlfriend (b/c SKS didn't back off the rev forecast 3 yrs ago & burned GROW).

PPS good corporate governance sh/could be like an asset on the balance sheet. here it's a long-term high interest debt of sorts. hyperbole, embellishment, gorging on s/h's tab, founders' shares, piss-poor disclosure & all the other c_rap created a massive, massive credibility gap. so when a short suggests a trading halt or BK or whatever is imminent, it prolly scares the uninformed.

PPPS Patterson's piece is snide & derisive, but seems kinda accurate on a quick first read ('cept the 45M "offering" ref). He shoulda waited on running it & attended the ASM too.

in the face of all that, i'm long... but, hey i could be wrong...

edit: "DAVID STONE ... owns a company that makes digital-camera cleaning products, [and is a] 53-year-old [who lives in] Cape Cod, Mass. "

how the series H_ell do i know?!?

edit: "At the very least, timing of release is suspect!" - Sam, so is the RSA PR if we're gonna be candid. mid-day news is exciting but also might be employed to mess w/the heads of the day-trade group & support the price (esp. going into ASM). tit-fer-tat on that.

edit: My guess is that he is probably a short who is looking to close and go long. Can you all say manipulation?

