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11/03/17 8:50 AM

#738 RE: l_winthorpe #737

Very definitely. I've seen too many instances depicting Icahn as the insensitive I believe him to be, caring not a whit about unitholders.

I'm not at all about selfishness, don't court relationships with me-me folks.

Looking at ALDW I see an open company conducting business for the sake of all unit holders be they within or outside of the managerial circle. I see much the same in the case of NGL.

Not all company-led moves turn into most desirable destinations but I'm confident these managements are truly doing their best and I allow them the space to flex their best intentions as I would my wife and friends.

CVRR has not shown me "the love" that comes from open dealings. Further, I'm not expecting Icahn to change his style any time soon. We got the 39 cent distribution from NGL as pledged and many were surprised. I was not.

We expect a fat distribution from ALDW---not only because of CVRR's announcement but because we trust ALDW to do what it can for unitholders AS HAS BEEN THE CASE BEFORE.

This is about trust far more than anything else in my opinion.